Saturday, December 22, 2012

Flu - Shmoo

It’s amazing how quickly life passes you and for one reason or another I haven’t had the time to write.  I hardly have it this very moment but I just had to share with you my story.  My 6 year old got an early present this year and wound up with the flu.  Wednesday night the glassy eyes started and by Thursday morning just in time to get ready for school a fever had already brewed.  

Thursday night was tough.  I couldn’t control my little princess’ fever and at one point spiked up to 104.7  First thing Friday morning we were off to the doctor.  My 2 year old son was starting to cough so I figured I’d have them both checked out.  Just as I suspected our doctor confirmed it was the flu.  Nothing was to be done except keep hydrated and well rested.  (I really love my doctor she is not one to push medication even though I got the talk.  You know, the one where she tells me I should really consider the flu shot.  At this point I commend her tenacity.  I was a high risk pregnancy with my son and every appointment the team of doctors I was seeing kept trying to convince me to have the flu shot.  I was not intimidated and stood my ground!)

I asked the doctor  how long to expect the flu to run its course.  She said 5-7 days.  According to  a person is contagious the day before symptoms arise up to day 7 and is on the average feeling better between 7-14 days after flu started.  

Today is day 2 of being “sick” and Amanda is fever free running around and back to normal except with a bit of runny nose.  Charlie is on day 1 had a mild fever this morning but can already tell that he is getting a milder version of what Amanda had to deal with.  

So my question is how is it that on average a person is sick anywhere from 1-2 weeks my 6 year old is practically back to normal?  What is the difference between my children and the average American?  It goes back to lifestyle.  I’ve mentioned before although some may argue that getting sick is 100% preventable I still have yet to find the true secret.  BUT I do believe that it is possible to avoid most common colds and flus and it is certainly possible to minimize the length of sick time.  

Put the processed un-organic garbage down and think twice before you eat something.  Of course it is a balancing act and even more so with the holidays and all those temptations out there.  I get it.  I’m human too!  But remember to always put yourself first.  You can not help anyone or be a good worker, parent or what not unless you are healthy.  Rest and nourish your body with the best foods and vitamins you have access to.

WIshing you all a very happy and above all healthy holiday season!

Peace & Health