Saturday, January 26, 2013

Must Watch Documentaries

While I shamelessly admit I do love some “brain candy” aka reality T.V. There is nothing more that I enjoy than a good documentary.  So I figured I would make a list of food and health related documentaries that I have watched and that are on my list to watch.  Here we go (in no particular order)...

Crazy, Sexy Cancer
Forks Without Knives
Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead
The Weight of The Nation
Hungry For Change
Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue
Super Size Me
The Gerson Miracle
Genetic Roulette
Food Fight
Killer At Large
The Beautiful Truth
One Nation, Overweight
Dying To Have Known
Fat Head
Genetic Chile
Fed Up!
To market To Market To Buy A Fat Pig
Ayurveda:  The Art Of Being
Plastic Planet
Food Beware The French Organic Revolution
The Natural History Of The Chicken
Revolution green:  A True Story...
The New Medicine
Yoga Is A Transformational Journey

Have you watched any good ones that are not on this list?  If so feel free to share and if you haven’t I hope this gives you a few ideas on what to watch.

Peace & Health,

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Resolve or Evolve?

I think that it’s safe to say that every year most of us make New Year’s resolutions.  I can say I always do... lose weight, kick coffee to the curb, get a promotion, and the list goes on and on.  This year I didn’t.  With all the changes that I embraced in 2012 it made me think what does a resolution mean?  

Resolution comes from the word resolve.  To me when I hear the word resolve I automatically associate it with a negative tone.  As if I need to fix something.  So if I need to fix something then that means I am as my 3 year old would say “I’m broken”.  Today as I write this I don’t find myself broken.  I feel like I am evolving and as 30 approaches am starting to think I know who I am (let’s see if I don’t snicker at this when I’m 40).

Perhaps it’s just a play on words but it’s amazing how your mind can set you up for failure.  So for 2013 I hope to continue to evolve in becoming a better person.  To continue feeding my mind and body what it needs and above all learning to put myself first. I can not be the mom, wife, daughter, friend or health coach that is needed of me unless I am honoring myself.  Remember to put yourself first (even if it’s just once in a while.)

Peace & Health

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Flu - Shmoo

It’s amazing how quickly life passes you and for one reason or another I haven’t had the time to write.  I hardly have it this very moment but I just had to share with you my story.  My 6 year old got an early present this year and wound up with the flu.  Wednesday night the glassy eyes started and by Thursday morning just in time to get ready for school a fever had already brewed.  

Thursday night was tough.  I couldn’t control my little princess’ fever and at one point spiked up to 104.7  First thing Friday morning we were off to the doctor.  My 2 year old son was starting to cough so I figured I’d have them both checked out.  Just as I suspected our doctor confirmed it was the flu.  Nothing was to be done except keep hydrated and well rested.  (I really love my doctor she is not one to push medication even though I got the talk.  You know, the one where she tells me I should really consider the flu shot.  At this point I commend her tenacity.  I was a high risk pregnancy with my son and every appointment the team of doctors I was seeing kept trying to convince me to have the flu shot.  I was not intimidated and stood my ground!)

I asked the doctor  how long to expect the flu to run its course.  She said 5-7 days.  According to  a person is contagious the day before symptoms arise up to day 7 and is on the average feeling better between 7-14 days after flu started.  

Today is day 2 of being “sick” and Amanda is fever free running around and back to normal except with a bit of runny nose.  Charlie is on day 1 had a mild fever this morning but can already tell that he is getting a milder version of what Amanda had to deal with.  

So my question is how is it that on average a person is sick anywhere from 1-2 weeks my 6 year old is practically back to normal?  What is the difference between my children and the average American?  It goes back to lifestyle.  I’ve mentioned before although some may argue that getting sick is 100% preventable I still have yet to find the true secret.  BUT I do believe that it is possible to avoid most common colds and flus and it is certainly possible to minimize the length of sick time.  

Put the processed un-organic garbage down and think twice before you eat something.  Of course it is a balancing act and even more so with the holidays and all those temptations out there.  I get it.  I’m human too!  But remember to always put yourself first.  You can not help anyone or be a good worker, parent or what not unless you are healthy.  Rest and nourish your body with the best foods and vitamins you have access to.

WIshing you all a very happy and above all healthy holiday season!

Peace & Health

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tips For A Quick Recovery During Cold Season

In early October Charlie my 2 year old started with a croupy cough on Thursday.  By Friday morning it sounded a bit worse.  Having had a child who has a history of asthma I had a moment of panic.  I talked myself out of the panic and ran straight to Whole Foods.  I’ve been giving my family high quality vitamins and supplements but both are in school and complete immunity to colds is most likely unrealistic.

I went back to nature.  I bought a ton of organic red apples, ginger, lemons, garlic, honey and Pink Himalayan Sea Salt.  For 3 days I had Charlie use a Pink Himalayan Sea Salt inhaler (helps flush away impurities from respiratory system) and I made him fresh pressed apple-ginger juice and garlic tea.  Yes, you read it garlic tea!

Let’s start off with apple-ginger juice.  Apples are rich in fiber and flavonoids (reduce chronic coughing and respiratory illnesses.)  Ginger is a natural expectorant (helps get break down and get rid of the mucus).  It is also an anti-inflammatory which helps if your throat and glands when swollen.  Lemons are high in bioflavonoids and vitamin C.  By combining all three ingredients together not only do you make a delicious juice but a cocktail to help get rid of any respiratory sickness.

Using your juicer and juice the following:

(4) Organic Gala or any red apples
(1) Organic yellow lemon
1/4 inch organic ginger root

*Yields approximately 1.5-2 cups (depending on size of apples.)

Garlic tea has been used in my family since I can remember.  Now that I have been studying and applying more holistic remedies to my family’s life I understand why it is so effective.  Garlic contains allicin.  Allicin is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral which therefore naturally treats respiratory infections.

Garlic Tea

1 organic head of garlic peeled and minced
1 Qt. water (alkaline if possible)
2 TBS Organic Honey

In a small sauce pot bring all ingredients to a boil and reduce heat to simmer for about 15 minutes.  Strain garlic.  Serve and drink.

Though I wish Charlie would not have dealt with getting sick at all.  I still consider this a victory.  From the time he started inhaler and drinking juice / tea to the time he was well again, it was a total of 2 days.  By day 2 he was running around and back to taking over the world.

Remember common colds and flus will happen. The key is to not getting sick often and recovering quickly.  If your body is strong and healthy, getting sick will be very uncommon and if it does recovering should only take a couple of days.  Next time you feel a scratchy throat I encourage you to try these out.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Vitamin L

Hi everyone!  It’s been a few weeks now.  Some of you may have read that I was powerless for 10 days.  No, I am not here to complain.  I am actually quite fortunate that my family and I only lost power.  Having been detached from the world for 10 days and now knowing the actual disaster “Sandy” had inflicted on many families has been truly heart wrenching.  My heart goes out to all those that have lost more than power.

Was it inconvenient?  Absolutely!  Were there chilly nights?  Yes!  But bottom line my WHOLE family was together under one roof.  On Monday morning as Sandy approached New York, we lost power at about 10am (along with our whole neighborhood.)  I am very blessed to share a home with my parents.  They live on one floor and I live on the other.  My sister and brother in law live across the street too!  Double blessing!!!

For 10 days we all lived under the same roof.  We made all three meals together, we ate together, played board games, drank some of my mom’s famous sangria and just had some true quality family time.  Though we all are within walking distance of each other everyone lives their own busy life.  It is rare to have all 10 of us under one roof for 10 days and share 30 meals in a row.

You see nutrition is not just about feeding you body the vitamins and foods it needs to thrive on.  Nutrition is about nourishing your WHOLE body, mind and soul.  Whether your mind and soul feeds off a group of friends or family, it is important to not put it to the wayside.  We all live in a life of go, go, go.  Who is coming, who is going, where are going?  Often I hear people say they literally just inhale their food and go onto their next thing.  (I was one of those a little over a year ago.  My co-workers would say, “Oh Jackie will be right back, she just went to inhale her food.”)  Life is about getting things done but not forgetting the cliche saying, “Stop and smell the roses.”

Find a way to incorporate a little of what I call Vitamin L into your life.  Wait have you heard of Vitamin L?  Vitamin L is what gives you the motivation to continue, it is what will keep you going even when others say things can’t get done.  Vitamin L stands for LOVE!  Without love what is the point of feeding your body with the best vitamins and minerals money can buy?

Now go ahead and give yourself some Vitamin L and when you are done go ahead and share it with someone else.

Peace & Health,

PS:  There are so many organizations giving some Vitamin L to those who have been effected by Sandy.  Perhaps if haven’t already done so you can start there.  It’s amazing what a can of soup or a blanket can impact on a person now.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Current Go To Makeup...

I can’t believe we are half way through October!  It feels like yesterday I was declaring October Healthy Beauty Awareness Month!  I’ve shared what I’m using as an exfoliant and moisturizer.  Now it’s time to get to the fun stuff... makeup!!!  So after grieving my loss and parting ways with my previous makeup line I am happy to announce that I am truly in LOVE with Josie Maran Cosmetics.  It’s funny because here I was walking into Sephora confident I had done enough research knowing what I was going to purchase.  After all I worked for this “AMAZING” runway makeup line for 8 years.  WRONG!!!  I got schooled that day.


I had heard of and had used Josie here and there but in my mind I was going in for another brand.  Nope!  What I thought was safe is BUT wasn’t the safest.  The extremely knowledgable makeup artist told me Josie is one of the few that is not only paraben free but organic.  She literally said, “If you had to you could eat it.  It’s not toxic at all.”  Bingo!  Sold!  I hadn’t even tried it on yet!

I wound up with Josie’s Argan Tinted Moisturizer.  I really love this one because a little goes a long way but it is buildable to full coverage for when you need that extra little bit.  It has an SPF of 30 (which is higher than most) and the obvious ingredient is Josie’s signature organic Argan Oil.

I also wound up with Josie’s Argan Matchmaker Serum Foundation  I LOOOVVVEEE this one so much!!!  The consistency is extremely sheer and lightweight but the coverage is incredible!  What’s even better is that if you run out and forget what foundation shade you are you don’t have to worry!  The Argan Matchmaker Serum Foundation has color match technology that goes on white but transforms to your skin tone before your eyes!!!  This too has organic Argan Oil infused within.

Now if you are a makeup junkie like me you know you have to set your foundation.  And if you didn’t know well you should.  Now if you are concerned with using powder because you tend to be on the dryer side you don’t have to worry about having a dried textured skin.  The organic Argan Oil will keep you hydrated and leave a dewy finish.  Josie has an Argan Powder Foundation  You can either use it alone or lightly dust it over your T-Zone (forehead, nose & chin).  What is awesome about this product is that it has an SPF20 so if you pair it with the Serum Foundation you will still have SPF coverage from the powder. The Argan Powder Foundation naturally adjusts to your skin tone.  It is very convenient too because it comes with a sponge and mirror for a quick touchup when you are out. (Try to avoid sponges as often as possible.  Sponges tend to retain moisture and therefore harbor bacteria which can cause acne.)

Of course I needed a little color in my life.  It was time for cheeks.  We went for Josie’s Argan Oil Stick in Pink Peony.  Even though I am a little on the oil side I have always been a fan of a cream blush.  Cream blushes last longer on the skin and leave a healthy dewy finish on the cheeks.  Plus since it is a cream they photograph the best.  What is convenient about this cream blush is that it comes in a stick and you can add some to the apples of your cheeks and use your hand or brush to blend.  The blush has organic Argan Oil, Vitamin E and essential fatty acids.  AND if that wasn’t enough convincing it can be doubled and used as a lip tint too!

I’ve been using Josie Maran Cosmetics for about a month now and have not one complaint.  No breakouts, allergic reactions or wearing issues.  Plus if you purchase Josie Maran Cosmetics in the month of October they will donate 15% of each sale to the City of Hope to help fight Breast Cancer.  It doesn’t get any better than that!

Please remember in the world we are living of unfortunate toxicity we can not afford to wear beauty products that are not safe for our skin.  Thankfully to Josie Maran Cosmetics and many other lines we don’t have to put our bodies in danger nor give up our beauty Go-Tos.  There is nothing better than clean and healthy beauty!

Peace & Health

Friday, October 12, 2012

Manuka Honey Exfoliant & Mask

I want to share what I use as an facial exfoliant.  I had been using raw organic honey with some granulated sugar but I have found something even better!  I have recently fallen in love with Manuka Honey.

Manuka Honey originates from New Zealand.  It is the only honey that has anti-bacterial properties which can be very helpful for acne prone skin.  Manuka Honey also has antioxidants that protects the skin from aging.

Typically I take about 2 tablespoons of Manuka Honey and 1 tablespoon of organic granulated sugar.  I take the two, rub them together and rub in circular motion all over.  You can also skip the sugar and leave the mask for about 10-15 minutes.  Using it as a mask you gain the benefits of it being an anti-bacterial, antioxidant and humectant.  My skin is literally soft and plump.

I have really fallen in love with Manuka Honey.  The only draw back is that I’ve only found it in health food stores or Whole Foods.  A jar lasts a while and most definitely worth the trip to find.

Peace & Health