Saturday, November 10, 2012

Vitamin L

Hi everyone!  It’s been a few weeks now.  Some of you may have read that I was powerless for 10 days.  No, I am not here to complain.  I am actually quite fortunate that my family and I only lost power.  Having been detached from the world for 10 days and now knowing the actual disaster “Sandy” had inflicted on many families has been truly heart wrenching.  My heart goes out to all those that have lost more than power.

Was it inconvenient?  Absolutely!  Were there chilly nights?  Yes!  But bottom line my WHOLE family was together under one roof.  On Monday morning as Sandy approached New York, we lost power at about 10am (along with our whole neighborhood.)  I am very blessed to share a home with my parents.  They live on one floor and I live on the other.  My sister and brother in law live across the street too!  Double blessing!!!

For 10 days we all lived under the same roof.  We made all three meals together, we ate together, played board games, drank some of my mom’s famous sangria and just had some true quality family time.  Though we all are within walking distance of each other everyone lives their own busy life.  It is rare to have all 10 of us under one roof for 10 days and share 30 meals in a row.

You see nutrition is not just about feeding you body the vitamins and foods it needs to thrive on.  Nutrition is about nourishing your WHOLE body, mind and soul.  Whether your mind and soul feeds off a group of friends or family, it is important to not put it to the wayside.  We all live in a life of go, go, go.  Who is coming, who is going, where are going?  Often I hear people say they literally just inhale their food and go onto their next thing.  (I was one of those a little over a year ago.  My co-workers would say, “Oh Jackie will be right back, she just went to inhale her food.”)  Life is about getting things done but not forgetting the cliche saying, “Stop and smell the roses.”

Find a way to incorporate a little of what I call Vitamin L into your life.  Wait have you heard of Vitamin L?  Vitamin L is what gives you the motivation to continue, it is what will keep you going even when others say things can’t get done.  Vitamin L stands for LOVE!  Without love what is the point of feeding your body with the best vitamins and minerals money can buy?

Now go ahead and give yourself some Vitamin L and when you are done go ahead and share it with someone else.

Peace & Health,

PS:  There are so many organizations giving some Vitamin L to those who have been effected by Sandy.  Perhaps if haven’t already done so you can start there.  It’s amazing what a can of soup or a blanket can impact on a person now.

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