Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sunscreen Overload

The spring is upon us and before we know it those warm sunny days will be here. Although it is recommended to wear sunscreen all year round many opt to wait until the warmer days. Every year I go crazy looking up and going to different drug stores and health food stores to find the “best” sunscreen out there. I’m on my game this year and posted this questions on one of the mommy groups I belong to. “I’m looking for the one with the highest spf (I know nothing over 30 is silly but makes me feel better) and organic (or most natural).” I had a few responds but this wonderful mommy gave me a site that I wanted to share with you. Safe Mama TM is known for “The original one stop child safety, product recall, health, well-being, non-toxic, eco-conscious resource for parents.” On there is a link for “Cheat Sheets” which has an abundance of various topics that help you figure out what product works best for you and your family. ie: types of toothpastes, hair detanglers, alternatives to plastic sippy cups, toy guides, cookware guides, etc.

I’m definitely looking forward to checking out further in detail this site and tell all my mommy friends.
Kathy@SafeMama (Twitter)

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