Friday, October 19, 2012

Current Go To Makeup...

I can’t believe we are half way through October!  It feels like yesterday I was declaring October Healthy Beauty Awareness Month!  I’ve shared what I’m using as an exfoliant and moisturizer.  Now it’s time to get to the fun stuff... makeup!!!  So after grieving my loss and parting ways with my previous makeup line I am happy to announce that I am truly in LOVE with Josie Maran Cosmetics.  It’s funny because here I was walking into Sephora confident I had done enough research knowing what I was going to purchase.  After all I worked for this “AMAZING” runway makeup line for 8 years.  WRONG!!!  I got schooled that day.


I had heard of and had used Josie here and there but in my mind I was going in for another brand.  Nope!  What I thought was safe is BUT wasn’t the safest.  The extremely knowledgable makeup artist told me Josie is one of the few that is not only paraben free but organic.  She literally said, “If you had to you could eat it.  It’s not toxic at all.”  Bingo!  Sold!  I hadn’t even tried it on yet!

I wound up with Josie’s Argan Tinted Moisturizer.  I really love this one because a little goes a long way but it is buildable to full coverage for when you need that extra little bit.  It has an SPF of 30 (which is higher than most) and the obvious ingredient is Josie’s signature organic Argan Oil.

I also wound up with Josie’s Argan Matchmaker Serum Foundation  I LOOOVVVEEE this one so much!!!  The consistency is extremely sheer and lightweight but the coverage is incredible!  What’s even better is that if you run out and forget what foundation shade you are you don’t have to worry!  The Argan Matchmaker Serum Foundation has color match technology that goes on white but transforms to your skin tone before your eyes!!!  This too has organic Argan Oil infused within.

Now if you are a makeup junkie like me you know you have to set your foundation.  And if you didn’t know well you should.  Now if you are concerned with using powder because you tend to be on the dryer side you don’t have to worry about having a dried textured skin.  The organic Argan Oil will keep you hydrated and leave a dewy finish.  Josie has an Argan Powder Foundation  You can either use it alone or lightly dust it over your T-Zone (forehead, nose & chin).  What is awesome about this product is that it has an SPF20 so if you pair it with the Serum Foundation you will still have SPF coverage from the powder. The Argan Powder Foundation naturally adjusts to your skin tone.  It is very convenient too because it comes with a sponge and mirror for a quick touchup when you are out. (Try to avoid sponges as often as possible.  Sponges tend to retain moisture and therefore harbor bacteria which can cause acne.)

Of course I needed a little color in my life.  It was time for cheeks.  We went for Josie’s Argan Oil Stick in Pink Peony.  Even though I am a little on the oil side I have always been a fan of a cream blush.  Cream blushes last longer on the skin and leave a healthy dewy finish on the cheeks.  Plus since it is a cream they photograph the best.  What is convenient about this cream blush is that it comes in a stick and you can add some to the apples of your cheeks and use your hand or brush to blend.  The blush has organic Argan Oil, Vitamin E and essential fatty acids.  AND if that wasn’t enough convincing it can be doubled and used as a lip tint too!

I’ve been using Josie Maran Cosmetics for about a month now and have not one complaint.  No breakouts, allergic reactions or wearing issues.  Plus if you purchase Josie Maran Cosmetics in the month of October they will donate 15% of each sale to the City of Hope to help fight Breast Cancer.  It doesn’t get any better than that!

Please remember in the world we are living of unfortunate toxicity we can not afford to wear beauty products that are not safe for our skin.  Thankfully to Josie Maran Cosmetics and many other lines we don’t have to put our bodies in danger nor give up our beauty Go-Tos.  There is nothing better than clean and healthy beauty!

Peace & Health

Friday, October 12, 2012

Manuka Honey Exfoliant & Mask

I want to share what I use as an facial exfoliant.  I had been using raw organic honey with some granulated sugar but I have found something even better!  I have recently fallen in love with Manuka Honey.

Manuka Honey originates from New Zealand.  It is the only honey that has anti-bacterial properties which can be very helpful for acne prone skin.  Manuka Honey also has antioxidants that protects the skin from aging.

Typically I take about 2 tablespoons of Manuka Honey and 1 tablespoon of organic granulated sugar.  I take the two, rub them together and rub in circular motion all over.  You can also skip the sugar and leave the mask for about 10-15 minutes.  Using it as a mask you gain the benefits of it being an anti-bacterial, antioxidant and humectant.  My skin is literally soft and plump.

I have really fallen in love with Manuka Honey.  The only draw back is that I’ve only found it in health food stores or Whole Foods.  A jar lasts a while and most definitely worth the trip to find.

Peace & Health

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nature’s Moisturizer... Coconut Oil

As I confessed to you all last week I was in the makeup industry for over 8 years.  With that came many long lasting relationships with other counters that surrounded me.  You name it, I tried it!  From drug store prices to the ones that I even paid $300 per ounce.  Since I was a teenager I suffered from cystic acne.  It comes in goes in cycles but because of some underlying causes it was very hard to manage.  Some things would work and then out of the blue it would no longer work and back I went to try the next best thing.

As far as my skin care that I had switched a while back and was pretty happy with it until I found the wonders of coconut oil.  I’ve had Coconut oil for over a year now in my home.  Charlie who USED to suffer from asthma also had issues with eczema.  (Which apparently is common in children with asthma.) I was reading one night and came across a post from a mom that mentioned how wonderful coconut oil was for eczema.  I figured I’d give it a shot.  If you’ve ever had a dry patch, you know that with the dryness comes the constant itching.  Well Charlie would scratch to the point of bleeding.  Now keep in mind he was a year and a half.  How do you stop a toddler from scratching?

So off I went to look for coconut oil.  Now here you may laugh.  Perhaps you are much more savvy than I was.  It’s okay, we are not born knowing all.  I went up and down the aisles looking for coconut oil.  I could not find it!  Of course not! I was looking for an oil like consistency.  Little did I know that it comes in a jar and looks like lard.  All you need is a finger tip or two (depending how large the surface area is that you are covering.)  And like magic it starts to melt and form an oil like consistency.  If you are like me you will love the smell of it.  It’s absolutely delicious!

 Once I got a hold of it and I would say within 2-3 months Charlie's eczema was completely gone!  So right there I new something was up.  But like every typical mom I focused on my children and just put it in the back of my head.  A few weeks ago I ran out of my moisturizer.  Out of sheer desperation I grabbed some coconut oil (fearing I would break out), blew out my hair and ran my hand that had left over coconut oil through my hair.  Let me tell you!  My skin felt so silk and my hair had not one fly away.

I was a little hesitant to continue but I remembered how well it was for Charlie’s skin I continued and did a bit more research.  Coconut oil has strong disinfecting and anti-microbial properties.  It also helps promote skin growth,  prevents skin from cracking, aging, wrinkling and contains more anti-oxidant properties than vitamin E.

I use it to moisturize face, body and prevent frizzy hair.  You can also use it with some sugar as an exfoliant, as a lip balm and because it is an oil it easily breaks down your makeup.  No more rubbing off and causing premature wrinkles when trying to remove your makeup.  The best part is that it is extremely affordable, multi functional, smells delightful and organic!

You can purchase coconut oil at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and I’ve even spotted it at Home Goods for about 5 bucks!  Doesn’t get any better than that!

Peace & Health

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Confessions Of A Makeup Hoarder

Happy October!!!  Though it is already the 3rd.  If you go into any store, website or even watch TV you will see the Pink Ribbon everywhere.  We are in full Breast Cancer Awareness month.  We all know someone who has bravely battled and it’s quite the heavy topic.  So let’s make this fun!!!

I haven’t shared with you all but I worked for a very fast paced, high fashion makeup company for 8 years.  It became a real passion of mine and I enjoyed it for many, many years.  Since I’ve become more health conscious only on the latter part of my life, makeup has been the hardest area to change.  

I’m sure many of you can relate.  You walk into a beautiful department store and are bombarded left and right with different cosmetics lines, the latest colors, the promise of youth, etc.  We all get mesmerized by the beautiful packaging, the stunning makeup artists and the overall experience of sitting down and getting a one-on-one consultation.

I’ve SLOWLY have been adding products here and there but I hadn’t gotten rid of any.  Keep in mind 8 years of receiving makeup for free plus EVERY collection I just had to have = A LOT of MAKEUP!!!  Plus I have a thing with throwing things out.  You know the term... “waste not, want not”  Yup, that’s me!

Yesterday, I finally yanked the bandaid off and started from scratch.  And yes I did get rid (not throw out) all of my not so healthy makeup. So for this month I want to share with you all my must have beauty finds.  Now before you all ask me how is this relative to health and wellness let me answer you.  Your skin is the largest organ in your body.  It protects you but it still absorbs any products on your skin and therefore travels to your blood stream.  And if it’s not the healthiest it’s probably a good idea to stay away.  

So let’s have fun and I hope this brings a bit of awareness to what you are putting on your body.  Also, a special extra thanks to my sister who gave me a very generous gift card to give the me extra push and finally get rid of my makeup.  Otherwise, I’d probably would keep pushing it off.  

Peace & Health

Monday, October 1, 2012

Vegetarian Potato Leek Soup

It's funny how I will have a plan in my mind of what to make for dinner and then something catches my eye and everything changes. I woke up this morning to a beautifully cool, crisp fall morning. Fall = pumpkins to me.

I was all set with my shopping list. I walk into Trader Joe's when I spot a large bag of organic russet potatoes. How could I pass on them?!? Right away I thought potato-leek soup! I love the fall! There is nothing than a hot bowl of soup to warm you right up.

And what's great is Mondays mom and I typically cook together and try to get a few meals out for the week. So here is our version of Potato-Leek Soup.

2 liters of vegetable stock
2 chopped leeks
1 large chopped onion
5 cubed medium russet potatoes
3 garlic cloves minced
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 Rapunzel vegetable bouillon (herb & sea salt)
1 cup of finely chopped chives
pepper to taste

In a large pot add oil, leeks and onions. Once lightly caramelized add garlic and Rapunzel followed by potatoes and vegetable stock. Cook on medium heat for about 30 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Depending on your liking added filtered water if it is too thick.

Once cooked plate and top with some fresh cracked pepper and chives.

What's great about our version is not only is it vegan but you are cutting a considerable amount of calories by not adding heavy cream in compared to a more traditional version.

Hope you enjoy it!

Peace & Health