Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nature’s Moisturizer... Coconut Oil

As I confessed to you all last week I was in the makeup industry for over 8 years.  With that came many long lasting relationships with other counters that surrounded me.  You name it, I tried it!  From drug store prices to the ones that I even paid $300 per ounce.  Since I was a teenager I suffered from cystic acne.  It comes in goes in cycles but because of some underlying causes it was very hard to manage.  Some things would work and then out of the blue it would no longer work and back I went to try the next best thing.

As far as my skin care that I had switched a while back and was pretty happy with it until I found the wonders of coconut oil.  I’ve had Coconut oil for over a year now in my home.  Charlie who USED to suffer from asthma also had issues with eczema.  (Which apparently is common in children with asthma.) I was reading one night and came across a post from a mom that mentioned how wonderful coconut oil was for eczema.  I figured I’d give it a shot.  If you’ve ever had a dry patch, you know that with the dryness comes the constant itching.  Well Charlie would scratch to the point of bleeding.  Now keep in mind he was a year and a half.  How do you stop a toddler from scratching?

So off I went to look for coconut oil.  Now here you may laugh.  Perhaps you are much more savvy than I was.  It’s okay, we are not born knowing all.  I went up and down the aisles looking for coconut oil.  I could not find it!  Of course not! I was looking for an oil like consistency.  Little did I know that it comes in a jar and looks like lard.  All you need is a finger tip or two (depending how large the surface area is that you are covering.)  And like magic it starts to melt and form an oil like consistency.  If you are like me you will love the smell of it.  It’s absolutely delicious!

 Once I got a hold of it and I would say within 2-3 months Charlie's eczema was completely gone!  So right there I new something was up.  But like every typical mom I focused on my children and just put it in the back of my head.  A few weeks ago I ran out of my moisturizer.  Out of sheer desperation I grabbed some coconut oil (fearing I would break out), blew out my hair and ran my hand that had left over coconut oil through my hair.  Let me tell you!  My skin felt so silk and my hair had not one fly away.

I was a little hesitant to continue but I remembered how well it was for Charlie’s skin I continued and did a bit more research.  Coconut oil has strong disinfecting and anti-microbial properties.  It also helps promote skin growth,  prevents skin from cracking, aging, wrinkling and contains more anti-oxidant properties than vitamin E.

I use it to moisturize face, body and prevent frizzy hair.  You can also use it with some sugar as an exfoliant, as a lip balm and because it is an oil it easily breaks down your makeup.  No more rubbing off and causing premature wrinkles when trying to remove your makeup.  The best part is that it is extremely affordable, multi functional, smells delightful and organic!

You can purchase coconut oil at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and I’ve even spotted it at Home Goods for about 5 bucks!  Doesn’t get any better than that!

Peace & Health

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