Saturday, January 26, 2013

Must Watch Documentaries

While I shamelessly admit I do love some “brain candy” aka reality T.V. There is nothing more that I enjoy than a good documentary.  So I figured I would make a list of food and health related documentaries that I have watched and that are on my list to watch.  Here we go (in no particular order)...

Crazy, Sexy Cancer
Forks Without Knives
Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead
The Weight of The Nation
Hungry For Change
Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue
Super Size Me
The Gerson Miracle
Genetic Roulette
Food Fight
Killer At Large
The Beautiful Truth
One Nation, Overweight
Dying To Have Known
Fat Head
Genetic Chile
Fed Up!
To market To Market To Buy A Fat Pig
Ayurveda:  The Art Of Being
Plastic Planet
Food Beware The French Organic Revolution
The Natural History Of The Chicken
Revolution green:  A True Story...
The New Medicine
Yoga Is A Transformational Journey

Have you watched any good ones that are not on this list?  If so feel free to share and if you haven’t I hope this gives you a few ideas on what to watch.

Peace & Health,

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Resolve or Evolve?

I think that it’s safe to say that every year most of us make New Year’s resolutions.  I can say I always do... lose weight, kick coffee to the curb, get a promotion, and the list goes on and on.  This year I didn’t.  With all the changes that I embraced in 2012 it made me think what does a resolution mean?  

Resolution comes from the word resolve.  To me when I hear the word resolve I automatically associate it with a negative tone.  As if I need to fix something.  So if I need to fix something then that means I am as my 3 year old would say “I’m broken”.  Today as I write this I don’t find myself broken.  I feel like I am evolving and as 30 approaches am starting to think I know who I am (let’s see if I don’t snicker at this when I’m 40).

Perhaps it’s just a play on words but it’s amazing how your mind can set you up for failure.  So for 2013 I hope to continue to evolve in becoming a better person.  To continue feeding my mind and body what it needs and above all learning to put myself first. I can not be the mom, wife, daughter, friend or health coach that is needed of me unless I am honoring myself.  Remember to put yourself first (even if it’s just once in a while.)

Peace & Health