Saturday, January 19, 2013

Resolve or Evolve?

I think that it’s safe to say that every year most of us make New Year’s resolutions.  I can say I always do... lose weight, kick coffee to the curb, get a promotion, and the list goes on and on.  This year I didn’t.  With all the changes that I embraced in 2012 it made me think what does a resolution mean?  

Resolution comes from the word resolve.  To me when I hear the word resolve I automatically associate it with a negative tone.  As if I need to fix something.  So if I need to fix something then that means I am as my 3 year old would say “I’m broken”.  Today as I write this I don’t find myself broken.  I feel like I am evolving and as 30 approaches am starting to think I know who I am (let’s see if I don’t snicker at this when I’m 40).

Perhaps it’s just a play on words but it’s amazing how your mind can set you up for failure.  So for 2013 I hope to continue to evolve in becoming a better person.  To continue feeding my mind and body what it needs and above all learning to put myself first. I can not be the mom, wife, daughter, friend or health coach that is needed of me unless I am honoring myself.  Remember to put yourself first (even if it’s just once in a while.)

Peace & Health

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