Saturday, December 22, 2012

Flu - Shmoo

It’s amazing how quickly life passes you and for one reason or another I haven’t had the time to write.  I hardly have it this very moment but I just had to share with you my story.  My 6 year old got an early present this year and wound up with the flu.  Wednesday night the glassy eyes started and by Thursday morning just in time to get ready for school a fever had already brewed.  

Thursday night was tough.  I couldn’t control my little princess’ fever and at one point spiked up to 104.7  First thing Friday morning we were off to the doctor.  My 2 year old son was starting to cough so I figured I’d have them both checked out.  Just as I suspected our doctor confirmed it was the flu.  Nothing was to be done except keep hydrated and well rested.  (I really love my doctor she is not one to push medication even though I got the talk.  You know, the one where she tells me I should really consider the flu shot.  At this point I commend her tenacity.  I was a high risk pregnancy with my son and every appointment the team of doctors I was seeing kept trying to convince me to have the flu shot.  I was not intimidated and stood my ground!)

I asked the doctor  how long to expect the flu to run its course.  She said 5-7 days.  According to  a person is contagious the day before symptoms arise up to day 7 and is on the average feeling better between 7-14 days after flu started.  

Today is day 2 of being “sick” and Amanda is fever free running around and back to normal except with a bit of runny nose.  Charlie is on day 1 had a mild fever this morning but can already tell that he is getting a milder version of what Amanda had to deal with.  

So my question is how is it that on average a person is sick anywhere from 1-2 weeks my 6 year old is practically back to normal?  What is the difference between my children and the average American?  It goes back to lifestyle.  I’ve mentioned before although some may argue that getting sick is 100% preventable I still have yet to find the true secret.  BUT I do believe that it is possible to avoid most common colds and flus and it is certainly possible to minimize the length of sick time.  

Put the processed un-organic garbage down and think twice before you eat something.  Of course it is a balancing act and even more so with the holidays and all those temptations out there.  I get it.  I’m human too!  But remember to always put yourself first.  You can not help anyone or be a good worker, parent or what not unless you are healthy.  Rest and nourish your body with the best foods and vitamins you have access to.

WIshing you all a very happy and above all healthy holiday season!

Peace & Health

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tips For A Quick Recovery During Cold Season

In early October Charlie my 2 year old started with a croupy cough on Thursday.  By Friday morning it sounded a bit worse.  Having had a child who has a history of asthma I had a moment of panic.  I talked myself out of the panic and ran straight to Whole Foods.  I’ve been giving my family high quality vitamins and supplements but both are in school and complete immunity to colds is most likely unrealistic.

I went back to nature.  I bought a ton of organic red apples, ginger, lemons, garlic, honey and Pink Himalayan Sea Salt.  For 3 days I had Charlie use a Pink Himalayan Sea Salt inhaler (helps flush away impurities from respiratory system) and I made him fresh pressed apple-ginger juice and garlic tea.  Yes, you read it garlic tea!

Let’s start off with apple-ginger juice.  Apples are rich in fiber and flavonoids (reduce chronic coughing and respiratory illnesses.)  Ginger is a natural expectorant (helps get break down and get rid of the mucus).  It is also an anti-inflammatory which helps if your throat and glands when swollen.  Lemons are high in bioflavonoids and vitamin C.  By combining all three ingredients together not only do you make a delicious juice but a cocktail to help get rid of any respiratory sickness.

Using your juicer and juice the following:

(4) Organic Gala or any red apples
(1) Organic yellow lemon
1/4 inch organic ginger root

*Yields approximately 1.5-2 cups (depending on size of apples.)

Garlic tea has been used in my family since I can remember.  Now that I have been studying and applying more holistic remedies to my family’s life I understand why it is so effective.  Garlic contains allicin.  Allicin is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral which therefore naturally treats respiratory infections.

Garlic Tea

1 organic head of garlic peeled and minced
1 Qt. water (alkaline if possible)
2 TBS Organic Honey

In a small sauce pot bring all ingredients to a boil and reduce heat to simmer for about 15 minutes.  Strain garlic.  Serve and drink.

Though I wish Charlie would not have dealt with getting sick at all.  I still consider this a victory.  From the time he started inhaler and drinking juice / tea to the time he was well again, it was a total of 2 days.  By day 2 he was running around and back to taking over the world.

Remember common colds and flus will happen. The key is to not getting sick often and recovering quickly.  If your body is strong and healthy, getting sick will be very uncommon and if it does recovering should only take a couple of days.  Next time you feel a scratchy throat I encourage you to try these out.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Vitamin L

Hi everyone!  It’s been a few weeks now.  Some of you may have read that I was powerless for 10 days.  No, I am not here to complain.  I am actually quite fortunate that my family and I only lost power.  Having been detached from the world for 10 days and now knowing the actual disaster “Sandy” had inflicted on many families has been truly heart wrenching.  My heart goes out to all those that have lost more than power.

Was it inconvenient?  Absolutely!  Were there chilly nights?  Yes!  But bottom line my WHOLE family was together under one roof.  On Monday morning as Sandy approached New York, we lost power at about 10am (along with our whole neighborhood.)  I am very blessed to share a home with my parents.  They live on one floor and I live on the other.  My sister and brother in law live across the street too!  Double blessing!!!

For 10 days we all lived under the same roof.  We made all three meals together, we ate together, played board games, drank some of my mom’s famous sangria and just had some true quality family time.  Though we all are within walking distance of each other everyone lives their own busy life.  It is rare to have all 10 of us under one roof for 10 days and share 30 meals in a row.

You see nutrition is not just about feeding you body the vitamins and foods it needs to thrive on.  Nutrition is about nourishing your WHOLE body, mind and soul.  Whether your mind and soul feeds off a group of friends or family, it is important to not put it to the wayside.  We all live in a life of go, go, go.  Who is coming, who is going, where are going?  Often I hear people say they literally just inhale their food and go onto their next thing.  (I was one of those a little over a year ago.  My co-workers would say, “Oh Jackie will be right back, she just went to inhale her food.”)  Life is about getting things done but not forgetting the cliche saying, “Stop and smell the roses.”

Find a way to incorporate a little of what I call Vitamin L into your life.  Wait have you heard of Vitamin L?  Vitamin L is what gives you the motivation to continue, it is what will keep you going even when others say things can’t get done.  Vitamin L stands for LOVE!  Without love what is the point of feeding your body with the best vitamins and minerals money can buy?

Now go ahead and give yourself some Vitamin L and when you are done go ahead and share it with someone else.

Peace & Health,

PS:  There are so many organizations giving some Vitamin L to those who have been effected by Sandy.  Perhaps if haven’t already done so you can start there.  It’s amazing what a can of soup or a blanket can impact on a person now.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Current Go To Makeup...

I can’t believe we are half way through October!  It feels like yesterday I was declaring October Healthy Beauty Awareness Month!  I’ve shared what I’m using as an exfoliant and moisturizer.  Now it’s time to get to the fun stuff... makeup!!!  So after grieving my loss and parting ways with my previous makeup line I am happy to announce that I am truly in LOVE with Josie Maran Cosmetics.  It’s funny because here I was walking into Sephora confident I had done enough research knowing what I was going to purchase.  After all I worked for this “AMAZING” runway makeup line for 8 years.  WRONG!!!  I got schooled that day.


I had heard of and had used Josie here and there but in my mind I was going in for another brand.  Nope!  What I thought was safe is BUT wasn’t the safest.  The extremely knowledgable makeup artist told me Josie is one of the few that is not only paraben free but organic.  She literally said, “If you had to you could eat it.  It’s not toxic at all.”  Bingo!  Sold!  I hadn’t even tried it on yet!

I wound up with Josie’s Argan Tinted Moisturizer.  I really love this one because a little goes a long way but it is buildable to full coverage for when you need that extra little bit.  It has an SPF of 30 (which is higher than most) and the obvious ingredient is Josie’s signature organic Argan Oil.

I also wound up with Josie’s Argan Matchmaker Serum Foundation  I LOOOVVVEEE this one so much!!!  The consistency is extremely sheer and lightweight but the coverage is incredible!  What’s even better is that if you run out and forget what foundation shade you are you don’t have to worry!  The Argan Matchmaker Serum Foundation has color match technology that goes on white but transforms to your skin tone before your eyes!!!  This too has organic Argan Oil infused within.

Now if you are a makeup junkie like me you know you have to set your foundation.  And if you didn’t know well you should.  Now if you are concerned with using powder because you tend to be on the dryer side you don’t have to worry about having a dried textured skin.  The organic Argan Oil will keep you hydrated and leave a dewy finish.  Josie has an Argan Powder Foundation  You can either use it alone or lightly dust it over your T-Zone (forehead, nose & chin).  What is awesome about this product is that it has an SPF20 so if you pair it with the Serum Foundation you will still have SPF coverage from the powder. The Argan Powder Foundation naturally adjusts to your skin tone.  It is very convenient too because it comes with a sponge and mirror for a quick touchup when you are out. (Try to avoid sponges as often as possible.  Sponges tend to retain moisture and therefore harbor bacteria which can cause acne.)

Of course I needed a little color in my life.  It was time for cheeks.  We went for Josie’s Argan Oil Stick in Pink Peony.  Even though I am a little on the oil side I have always been a fan of a cream blush.  Cream blushes last longer on the skin and leave a healthy dewy finish on the cheeks.  Plus since it is a cream they photograph the best.  What is convenient about this cream blush is that it comes in a stick and you can add some to the apples of your cheeks and use your hand or brush to blend.  The blush has organic Argan Oil, Vitamin E and essential fatty acids.  AND if that wasn’t enough convincing it can be doubled and used as a lip tint too!

I’ve been using Josie Maran Cosmetics for about a month now and have not one complaint.  No breakouts, allergic reactions or wearing issues.  Plus if you purchase Josie Maran Cosmetics in the month of October they will donate 15% of each sale to the City of Hope to help fight Breast Cancer.  It doesn’t get any better than that!

Please remember in the world we are living of unfortunate toxicity we can not afford to wear beauty products that are not safe for our skin.  Thankfully to Josie Maran Cosmetics and many other lines we don’t have to put our bodies in danger nor give up our beauty Go-Tos.  There is nothing better than clean and healthy beauty!

Peace & Health

Friday, October 12, 2012

Manuka Honey Exfoliant & Mask

I want to share what I use as an facial exfoliant.  I had been using raw organic honey with some granulated sugar but I have found something even better!  I have recently fallen in love with Manuka Honey.

Manuka Honey originates from New Zealand.  It is the only honey that has anti-bacterial properties which can be very helpful for acne prone skin.  Manuka Honey also has antioxidants that protects the skin from aging.

Typically I take about 2 tablespoons of Manuka Honey and 1 tablespoon of organic granulated sugar.  I take the two, rub them together and rub in circular motion all over.  You can also skip the sugar and leave the mask for about 10-15 minutes.  Using it as a mask you gain the benefits of it being an anti-bacterial, antioxidant and humectant.  My skin is literally soft and plump.

I have really fallen in love with Manuka Honey.  The only draw back is that I’ve only found it in health food stores or Whole Foods.  A jar lasts a while and most definitely worth the trip to find.

Peace & Health

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nature’s Moisturizer... Coconut Oil

As I confessed to you all last week I was in the makeup industry for over 8 years.  With that came many long lasting relationships with other counters that surrounded me.  You name it, I tried it!  From drug store prices to the ones that I even paid $300 per ounce.  Since I was a teenager I suffered from cystic acne.  It comes in goes in cycles but because of some underlying causes it was very hard to manage.  Some things would work and then out of the blue it would no longer work and back I went to try the next best thing.

As far as my skin care that I had switched a while back and was pretty happy with it until I found the wonders of coconut oil.  I’ve had Coconut oil for over a year now in my home.  Charlie who USED to suffer from asthma also had issues with eczema.  (Which apparently is common in children with asthma.) I was reading one night and came across a post from a mom that mentioned how wonderful coconut oil was for eczema.  I figured I’d give it a shot.  If you’ve ever had a dry patch, you know that with the dryness comes the constant itching.  Well Charlie would scratch to the point of bleeding.  Now keep in mind he was a year and a half.  How do you stop a toddler from scratching?

So off I went to look for coconut oil.  Now here you may laugh.  Perhaps you are much more savvy than I was.  It’s okay, we are not born knowing all.  I went up and down the aisles looking for coconut oil.  I could not find it!  Of course not! I was looking for an oil like consistency.  Little did I know that it comes in a jar and looks like lard.  All you need is a finger tip or two (depending how large the surface area is that you are covering.)  And like magic it starts to melt and form an oil like consistency.  If you are like me you will love the smell of it.  It’s absolutely delicious!

 Once I got a hold of it and I would say within 2-3 months Charlie's eczema was completely gone!  So right there I new something was up.  But like every typical mom I focused on my children and just put it in the back of my head.  A few weeks ago I ran out of my moisturizer.  Out of sheer desperation I grabbed some coconut oil (fearing I would break out), blew out my hair and ran my hand that had left over coconut oil through my hair.  Let me tell you!  My skin felt so silk and my hair had not one fly away.

I was a little hesitant to continue but I remembered how well it was for Charlie’s skin I continued and did a bit more research.  Coconut oil has strong disinfecting and anti-microbial properties.  It also helps promote skin growth,  prevents skin from cracking, aging, wrinkling and contains more anti-oxidant properties than vitamin E.

I use it to moisturize face, body and prevent frizzy hair.  You can also use it with some sugar as an exfoliant, as a lip balm and because it is an oil it easily breaks down your makeup.  No more rubbing off and causing premature wrinkles when trying to remove your makeup.  The best part is that it is extremely affordable, multi functional, smells delightful and organic!

You can purchase coconut oil at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and I’ve even spotted it at Home Goods for about 5 bucks!  Doesn’t get any better than that!

Peace & Health

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Confessions Of A Makeup Hoarder

Happy October!!!  Though it is already the 3rd.  If you go into any store, website or even watch TV you will see the Pink Ribbon everywhere.  We are in full Breast Cancer Awareness month.  We all know someone who has bravely battled and it’s quite the heavy topic.  So let’s make this fun!!!

I haven’t shared with you all but I worked for a very fast paced, high fashion makeup company for 8 years.  It became a real passion of mine and I enjoyed it for many, many years.  Since I’ve become more health conscious only on the latter part of my life, makeup has been the hardest area to change.  

I’m sure many of you can relate.  You walk into a beautiful department store and are bombarded left and right with different cosmetics lines, the latest colors, the promise of youth, etc.  We all get mesmerized by the beautiful packaging, the stunning makeup artists and the overall experience of sitting down and getting a one-on-one consultation.

I’ve SLOWLY have been adding products here and there but I hadn’t gotten rid of any.  Keep in mind 8 years of receiving makeup for free plus EVERY collection I just had to have = A LOT of MAKEUP!!!  Plus I have a thing with throwing things out.  You know the term... “waste not, want not”  Yup, that’s me!

Yesterday, I finally yanked the bandaid off and started from scratch.  And yes I did get rid (not throw out) all of my not so healthy makeup. So for this month I want to share with you all my must have beauty finds.  Now before you all ask me how is this relative to health and wellness let me answer you.  Your skin is the largest organ in your body.  It protects you but it still absorbs any products on your skin and therefore travels to your blood stream.  And if it’s not the healthiest it’s probably a good idea to stay away.  

So let’s have fun and I hope this brings a bit of awareness to what you are putting on your body.  Also, a special extra thanks to my sister who gave me a very generous gift card to give the me extra push and finally get rid of my makeup.  Otherwise, I’d probably would keep pushing it off.  

Peace & Health

Monday, October 1, 2012

Vegetarian Potato Leek Soup

It's funny how I will have a plan in my mind of what to make for dinner and then something catches my eye and everything changes. I woke up this morning to a beautifully cool, crisp fall morning. Fall = pumpkins to me.

I was all set with my shopping list. I walk into Trader Joe's when I spot a large bag of organic russet potatoes. How could I pass on them?!? Right away I thought potato-leek soup! I love the fall! There is nothing than a hot bowl of soup to warm you right up.

And what's great is Mondays mom and I typically cook together and try to get a few meals out for the week. So here is our version of Potato-Leek Soup.

2 liters of vegetable stock
2 chopped leeks
1 large chopped onion
5 cubed medium russet potatoes
3 garlic cloves minced
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 Rapunzel vegetable bouillon (herb & sea salt)
1 cup of finely chopped chives
pepper to taste

In a large pot add oil, leeks and onions. Once lightly caramelized add garlic and Rapunzel followed by potatoes and vegetable stock. Cook on medium heat for about 30 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Depending on your liking added filtered water if it is too thick.

Once cooked plate and top with some fresh cracked pepper and chives.

What's great about our version is not only is it vegan but you are cutting a considerable amount of calories by not adding heavy cream in compared to a more traditional version.

Hope you enjoy it!

Peace & Health

Friday, September 28, 2012

FREE Health History Consultation

If you are like most people, I imagine there are specific goals you have for your health and your life. Perhaps you want more energy and are tired of always being tired. Maybe you have those nagging sweet cravings that you can’t seem to get under control. Or, perhaps it’s time to finally figure out how to look and feel great in your own body. Does any of this sound familiar?
As a Health Coach, I support my clients to make step-by-step changes to their food and lifestyle, so that they permanently reach their goals. I support them to do so in a way that’s enjoyable and easily integrated into their lives.
If you are ready to make some real changes in your life and learn how to reach YOUR goals, I have a special invitation for you. I’d like to invite you to a free health consultation, where you’ll have the opportunity for undivided attention from someone who wants to support you to look and feel better!
This 45-minute confidential session, available in-person or by phone/Skype, allows you to:

  • Identify your health goals and what you’ve always imagined for your life.
  • Figure out what you truly want to accomplish long-term for yourself and maybe even your family.  
  • Understand how you may be getting in your own way of reaching these goals.  
  • Learn how to have my support to permanently reach your goals by participating in my health coaching program. 
This session could very well be a turning point in your life!

Your next step is to schedule your session. Please contact me at to reserve a spot in my schedule for the consultation.

Please let me know when you are available to focus on yourself and your goals. I very much look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you all so much!

Peace & Health

Juicing, Painting & Motherhood

Hi everyone!  Hope everyone is having a fab week!  I just wanted to fill you all in on what is going on my neck of the woods this past week.  Hubs is on vacation and our home is in full facelift mode.  As exciting as the end result will be it has been chaotic.  Between the mess and kids not being able to access all their favorite toys I am ready for next week to be here already when this will all be a distant memory.

On top of that on Monday was my birthday.  I decided I wanted to do another juice fast and though the last one I did was 7 days back in April I found a 2 day juice detox from a peer at Integrative Institute For Nutrition.  It’s not bad at all but I think I should have planned this on a week I had less going on.  I wound up caving in around dinner time and had a hearty portion of my homemade lentil soup and half an avocado.

I haven’t been hungry or tired and I think that my biggest challenge is that I love dinner time.  I love it not only because of the food but of what it entails.  It’s the only time of the day the entire family sits down.  We take our time (for the most part), enjoy our meal and talk about what happened during the day.  Sure I could have sat there with my mason jar of juice but I didn’t.  And I don’t feel guilty either.  I figure I eat really well all the time and this is just a little tune up to my system.

Friday will be my second and last day.  I’ll let you know how it goes On my next post and I will share recipe.  I won’t be posting till next week.  This weekend I am very excited to be a part of IIN’s Conference on Saturday and Sunday.  I’m sure after two days of information from nutrition experts I will have endless posts to share with you all.

Peace & Health

Monday, September 24, 2012

Non-GMO Project App

As if food shopping wasn’t enough of a headache!  as conscious consumers we now have to worry which foods are genetically modified.  Well The The Non-GMO Project has now made it easier for us.  Just download their free App for your IPhone and with just the touch of your finger tips food shopping nightmares will be a thing of the past.

The app has brands that have enrolled and are verified non-GMO.  And if you already didn’t know The Non-GMO Project is a third party verification program in the U.S. So there is no need to worry about misleading information.

The App is very easy to navigate and product searching can be done based on type, brand name, product name and key words.  Plus can find local retailers that carry non-GMO products.  Another feature is that the App contains tips on how to avoid GMOs.  

For me and my family this one is a no brainer.  Quick, free, informative and honest!

Peace & Health

Friday, September 21, 2012

Taking The Weekend Off

Hi friends!  I hope you all had a wonderful week!  I know I did!  Today I spent the day with my two closest girlfriends.  We started with breakfast, a little home shopping and they even came to Feng Shui my bedroom and my kids room.

Today I had a couple of emails asking me for information to possibly collaborate with me.  There are ALOT of exciting things coming our way.  It won’t be for a while but nevertheless still VERY EXCITING!!!

I decided to take the weekend off and focus on my studies so my posting will be very limited.  Any emails I will answer but there will be a bit of a delay.

Thank you all for being dedicated followers.

Peace & Health,

I almost forgot!  In case you didn’t see my facebook post last night tomorrow is the last night you can watch Genetic Roulette  for free!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Broccoli Sprouts

I am huge fan of pea sprouts.  I have them everyday in my green juice but I am very excited to share that while studying I have found two other types of AMAZING sprouts.  Yesterday, I was at Whole Foods and finally got a chance to look for these magical little greens.

I had eaten them in the past in wraps and salads but I had never gone out of my way to buy them.  What I learned was that broccoli sprouts are 50 times more powerful in fighting cancer than the standard broccoli we find just about anywhere.  In 2011, The University of Illinois found that when combining broccoli and broccoli sprouts you nearly double the anti-cancer effects.  The  inside lid of the container states the following, “While studying broccoli and broccoli sprouts at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, scientists identified a natural compound, sulforaphane GS( SGS), which supports long-lasting antioxidant and essential cellular function.  A fat-free food, broccoli sprouts are a good source of Vitamin C.  Diets low in fat and rich in vegetables (like broccoli sprouts) and fruit may reduce the risk of some types of cancer, a disease of many factors.”

I know the holistic and more natural approach is still very new and often with newness there is doubt (rightfully so.  After all it is our lives) But to have one of the countries top medical universities such as John Hopkins conduct a study and make such a statement to me is groundbreaking.  Plus for me it is absolutely delicious!  And very easy to incorporate.  I just added it to my daily green juice but it is just as delicious in a sandwich or wrap.  Just keep in mind to keep it alive!  No cooking these little green guys.  You want them a alive as possible to gain the most benefits.

As mentioned I found mine at Whole Foods.  If you have a green thumb you can easily grow them out of a mason jar or purchase a kit to grow your own.  It only takes about 6 days for them to be ready.  I lack the green thumb and I am very fortunate to have a husband that truly enjoys gardening in the summer (that is how we have such an extensive variety of produce).  So for the mean time I’ll be purchasing until I get the courage to sprout my own.  Find your local BroccoSprouts retailer at

With everything that I write about I just want to emphasize to look into further research and make sure you are comfortable with what you are eating and doing.  My goal is to perk your ears and share as much valuable information that comes along my way.  Always remember to be your own active advocate in your life.

Peace & Health

Back to School Immune Support

We are still adjusting to our new schedule but the beautiful autumn weather has started to peak through.  Leaves are falling, the air is crisp and humid days are a thing of the past.  With the kids being back to school and the cooler days nearing us it is just a matter of time when the colds come along as well.  Last year was not a good one for us.  Mainly Amanda who had started kindergarden.  In the 5 years of her life she had never had an ear infection.  Somehow she wound up with 2 along with a couple of colds.

As usual I did a bit of research over the summer to see what it is I can do to minimize the risks and hopefully avoid them all together.  As far as nutrition well I try to be as healthy as possible with myself but when it comes to my kids I am even more health conscious.  And thankfully since we have been a junk free family Amanda (now 6) makes her own choices that I am extremely proud of.  For example I know for a fact (from hearing the reports of other moms at school or parties) Amanda will have a couple of bites of birthday cake but then will go off and feast on a bowl of fruit. (Insert huge grin on my face!)  So the next step naturally was to look into supplements.  

Our doctor had prescribed to both kids a vitamin cocktail that contained Fluoride.  It has been over 6 months that I stopped giving it to them.  Yes, I know that Fluoride can be found in some water but I have decided to not actively have my kids ingest it.  Aside from my research at home I went into Whole Foods to go on my quest for the right vitamins.  I know I’m always saying how much I love it in there but I REALLY love the employees even more.  They are so knowledgeable and willing to help out.  I knew I wanted a multivitamin and Cod Liver Oil.  I wanted Nordic Natural’s Children’s DHA (I’ll explain later) but the multi is where I was unsure.  There were just so many!

After a 20 minute lesson on different multivitamins we agreed upon Child Life Essentials Multi Vitamin & Mineral.  Child Life Essentials was developed and formulated by homeopathic pediatric specialist Dr. Murray Clarke.  Child Life is made from the highest quality ingredients.  There are no artificial flavorings, sweeteners or coloring.  Their Multi Vitamin & Mineral formula contains all the essentials for developing children. 

The second I was very excited and nervous to introduce (Fish oil).  I like to consider myself a non-picky eater.  I was raised to try it all and give everything a chance.  I have (in my opinion) successfully instilled the same thought process on my kids but we have a challenge when it comes to fish.  I’m not a fan.  Again, I will eat it but I don’t enjoy it and when you don’t enjoy something you tend to not cook it either.  Plus though we are omnivores our meat, poultry and seafood is very minimal so the source of our iron, protein and omega 3 hardly comes from those sources.  

You might have heard of all the health benefits of incorporating omega 3 in your diet but just as a refresher here are some key points for you to consider.  Omega 3 is the trio of EPA, DHA & ALA found in marine life such as fish and sea vegetables.  Omega 3 supports all organs, immune system, endocrine system, bones and cardiovascular system.  It is also a source for a healthy nervous system and essential for brain development.  Plus it has been proven to reduce the risk of disease.  

There are factors you have to consider when choosing the right Omega 3 for your children and yourself.  You must make sure that the company is GMP (Good Manufactured Practice) certified and Third Party Certified (quality control was checked by a group that is not affiliated with brand.) It is also imperative that you know whether or not and how much mercury is in the Omega 3 you are ingesting.  Nordic Naturals was my obvious choice.  

Nordic Naturals is the winner of many awards based on taste, purity and quality.  There are several versions depending on age.  We went with Children’s DHA.  

I thought I was set with all the supplements I needed to promote a healthy and strong immune system when I was told to consider an extra boost of Vitamin C.  Of course!  How could I forget a basic known vitamin?  

I hadn’t really looked into what brand Vitamin C to buy so I went with the suggestion of the Whole Foods employee.  She suggested Rainbow Light Nutritional Systems Gummy Vitamin C Slices.  The gummy slices are 100% natural, gluten-free and lactose-free.  They have no artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives or additives.

I can buy all the supplements in the world but the true test takers would be Amanda and Charlie.  The two are used to taking vitamins except during our 6 month hiatus.  I explained to Amanda that I wanted to make her as healthy as possible and that I didn’t want her to get those icky ear infections she dealt with last year.  I started with the fish oil followed by the multi and then gummy slices.  I was nervous mostly with the fish oil.  Both kids were troopers and took their vitamins.  Amanda said the fish oil is her least favorite and the gummy slices her most favorite (they are lightly coated with organic cane sugar but I don’t mind especially since both kids are not resistant to fish oil.)

Both kids have been taking this combination for 2 months and I just went back to Whole Foods yesterday to stock up.  I should mention that the gummy slices are recommended for children 4 and over because they are chewy.  Charlie will be 3 in December but I cut them in half and have him sit in front of me until he is done chewing.  I am looking forward for the kids to be warding off all icky colds and viruses this year.  And though this post is specifically talking about kids I hope this also reminds you to take some supplements.  No one wants to deal with colds and viruses and if you are a parent you most certainly don’t have time to get sick.

Peace & Health

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Broccoli with Garlic & Olive Oil Pasta

I incorporate cruciferous vegetables every day.  Aside from adding them to my green juice I try my best to throw them in as often as possible.  Whether it be in an omelette for breakfast or salad for lunch.  I love cruciferous for many reasons. They are very high in phytochemicals (carotenoids, chlorophyll, fiber, flavonoids, etc ), vitamins and minerals.  They are also known to help prevent cancers.  In 1996 The Journal of the American Dietetic Association found over 70% of studies indicated a direct link between cruciferous vegetables and cancer prevention.  Plus the possibilities are endless.  My personal favorite is broccoli. Whether that is the standard floret, rabe or broccolini.  But in case you didn’t know the follow veggies are categorized as cruciferous...  broccoli, spinach, brussels sprouts (another fave!), cauliflower, collard greens, mustard greens, turnips, horseradish, cabbage, kale, radishes, watercress, daikon, arugula, bok choy, chard, rutabaga, wasabi and many more!

Last week as many of you saw I made a broccoli with garlic and olive oil pasta.  It’s been a bit hectic with Amanda going to first grade, Charlie starting preschool and of course me too!  But as I promised you all last week here is my version of this vitamin packed meal.

1 lb. of Whole Wheat Organic Pasta
1 quart of Vegetable Stock
4 cups of Organic broccoli (can substitute for rabe too!)
4 Garlic Cloves (crushed)
1/2 cup of Organic Olive Oil
Salt, Black Pepper & Crushed Red Pepper to Taste

Here is my little trick when cooking pasta.  When available I like to cook the pasta in vegetable stock.  It gives it that little extra bit of flavor that it sometimes needs. Follow Directions on packaging as per minutes to cook.

In a small pan add oil and crushed garlic.  Set it on low to medium heat simmer and infuse the flavor of the garlic into the oil for about 5-8 minutes (depending on stove).  Just keep an eye that you do not burn your garlic.  Otherwise the taste will penetrate to the oil.  I like to leave the garlic but some people don’t like to and rather just have the benefits of the taste.  If you are a person who doesn’t want to bite into it skim the garlic out with a metal mesh skimmer.  Add Broccoli.  When Adding the Broccoli I give a VERY light sautee.  I like to keep my vegetables as raw and crisp as possible.  Give them a quick toss for about 5 minutes.  Just enough time to get the broccoli coated with the infused olive oil.

For those non-vegans you may go ahead and add some grated parmesan.  For the omnivores who would like a little extra protein some turkey sausage slices work well too!  And don’t forget to add a bit of crushed red pepper flakes for an extra punch.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sleep Rituals For The Little Ones

Some kids have already started school and other’s like my daughter will begin this week.  As a parent and health advocate I cannot stress enough how important it is to put your kids not only to bed early but to have a sleep ritual for them as well.
As my earlier post explained, not only does your body “recharge” its energy but it also detoxes.  Let me break it down to you.  Since we are talking about children in school I will include nursery school too.  A child 1-3 years old requires 12-14 hours per day, 3-6 years old 10-12 hours, 7-12 years old 10-11 hours, 12-18 years old 8- 9 hours of sleep a night. 
Sleep is vital for growth, brain development and their overall mood and well-being.  We have a country where autism rates instead of slowing down are increasing at exponential rates and though there are cases that are valid and true as parents we MUST ensure our children are getting the proper nutrition through their diet and sleep.
It wasn’t long ago that I was a student taking classes in a teach hospital where I would go grab coffee (literally like black tar) with the med students and interns.  Between that and the lack of sleep between school and working fulltime.  You can only guess what kind of personality and mood I would be in.  It was like playing spin the wheel on the mood disorder.  You never knew what you were going to get! 
So if as an adult that I would like to think I have more control than a school aged child would get irritated and moody fairly easily than what is to expect of a child that is learning when not to blow up?
Tonight is the night before my daughter goes back to school.  I had no issues what so ever putting her to bed at 7pm.  Now I’m not saying every kid should go to bed at 7pm.  Amanda gets picked up at 6:45am and is up no later than 6am.  She requires that much sleep.  I tried having her go to bed at 8pm but she would struggle and it would cause tension in the morning.  Why put her and I through that if I know what the solution is? 
Just as an example here is our schedule (which I started weaning back into it about 3.5-4 weeks ago)
Dinner: 4:30pm
Baths:  5:15-5:45pm
Free Playtime / Movie:  5:45-6:30pm
Bedtime: 6:30pm (really goes to sleep at 7pm but by the time she’s done saying goodnight, brush teeth, glass of water and prayers, lights aren’t out until 7pm)
Story time varies.  Sometimes it’s right before bedtime must most of the time it is sandwiched somewhere during the day.
She is a child so once in a while I get a protest but for the most part because not much changes both Amanda as well as Charlie know what to expect because it has become their sleep ritual. 
See what works for your child but the most important part is to stick to the age appropriate hours of sleep for your child.  And don’t forget to make memories too!  You’ll be surprised when your child turns around to complain like mine did just recently.  I told Amanda I had to finish laundry and to do her prayers.  She said, “hey! You have to listen to them too!”
After all this is such a short period of time why are we rushing it?  Wishing you all a good night sleep for yourself and your little ones.

Peace & Health

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sleep Rituals

Are you like many who are always on the go that your brain won't allow you to shut down even when it's time?

For years I have suffered from insomnia. It all started when I was pregnant with my daughter. Naturally the anxiety over becoming a parent followed by the sleepless nights of a newborn. Thank goodness Amanda slept through the night after 6 weeks. Go ahead be jealous! But of course life in general whether it's work or personal reasons we often just let another night pass with little to no sleep. Plus might I add it runs in my fathers side of the family. Dad swears we are vampires!

Anyway, a few months ago I was skulking with my Aussie friend when she shared some remarkable information with me. When our bodies sleep we naturally detoxify. I was like whoa! Wait a minute! Here I am on this constant merry go round trying to balance my body when I have an easy solution!

I decided to try a new routine that seems to be working. As I shared earlier this week I have enrolled with IIN. I have found best to do my studies in the evening. I put the kids to bed at 7pm and I head straight to the couch and unravel my iPad, glass of water and notebook. I do anywhere from 2-4 hours of work. After that I put in my favorite incense nag champa and play Snatam Kaur, Tina Malia or Deva Premal to name a few. Before I know it I am struggling to finish my blog post.

Of course there will be nights nothing works but from where I was months ago I have made a huge accomplishment. I urge you to find what works for you. Sleep is just as important as air and not only do you let your body rest and replenish energy but detoxify as well.

Good night all my Juicy followers!

Peace & Health

Friday, August 24, 2012

Back To School Picks

Are any of you out there all set or gearing up for back to school?  It’s such a commotion every year.  I try my best to have everything all set before August when all the madness begins.  Luckily, Amanda’s school gives out the supply list with the year-end report card.  But supplies, ha!  That’s just half of it right?  I mean for those that go to public school you all have the headaches of back to school clothes shopping and the anticipation of the first outfit your kids will wear.  But it doesn’t just stop there, there is also backpack and lunch bags, lunch gear, school activity supplies and the list goes on and on!!!

I decided to make my favorite must haves and share them with you all.  These are products that we use and own or have done tons of research on and are as we speak ordered and on their way.

1.  Back packs & Lunch bags:  I have 2 for this list.  Some items are difficult for me to choose.  Since my daughter goes to private school and everything is the same I kind of give her card blanch on items such as backpack, shoes, etc.  In my opinion they need individuality.  Plus she’s at an age where she is past the hype over character backpack (sigh).

My pick is by Dabbawalla.  Dabbawalla are PVC, BPA, Lead, Phthalate free backpacks & Lunch Bags.  The designs are simple yet very cute and aimed more for the preschool and early elementary years.  What made me fall in love even more was that their bags are created by sewers who earn fair wages in a safe working environment.  Dabbawalla will also donate their products to schools and organizations that are in need.

Amanda’s pick is by Pottery Barn Kids.  Pottery Barn Kids backpack & Lunch bags are PVC, BPA, Lead, and Phthalate free backpack.  The patterns are endless and start off with a size perfect for your preschooler up until college.  They even carry matching duffle bags, luggage, etc if you’re into the matchy-match look (which I LOVE!)  Also, if you are lucky there is a Pottery Barn Outlet close to you.  I just happened to go and check out what they had and I scored!  Most of the patterns were from last year BUT they did have some from 2012.  Best part 2012 was reduced and 2012 was reduced and an additional discount!    Amanda chose polka dots and Charlie Batman (typical boy!)

2. Lunch & snack time:  In the category I also have 2 picks.  I fell in love with Life Factory bottles a while back.  Not only do they make glass water bottles but they also make baby glass bottles and toddler transition cups.  The bottle is BPA, phthalates, PVC, polycarbonate, latex and lead free. Bottles are hugged with a silicone sleeve that come in an array of colors and there are also spouts you can purchase if you like to switch it up between a open bottle top and a Sports top (great for working out!)  Check out to ordering and other details.

Many schools, my kids included prohibit glass even though these are practically indestructible.  In that case I love Klean Kanteen.

Kleen Kanteen is BPA free and 18/8 stainless steel (safest).  They too come in an array of colors and have optional sports top or open bottle mouth.  They come in various sizes and can be found at Whole Foods and even Pottery Barn!  Pottery barn has several really cool patterns and even licensed characters such as the really IT Batman and Superman.

3. Food Storage:  Aside from plastic zip bags being environmentally irresponsible of us think of all the wasteful money you spend throughout your child’s life.  My kids started school at 2 years old and I’m hoping they take a home lunch up until high school (18 years old).  That will be 16 years of zip bags, aluminum foil and plastic wrap.  That can be avoided.  Yes of course I do have those items in my pantry but I use a lot less than the average person.
Lunch Bots is also BPA free and 18/8 stainless steel food system that has from circular to square and even rectangular food storage perfect for on the go kids and parents.  Lunch Bots have different sizes for all different food portions.  My favorite part is that they have a bento box style that makes lunch limitless.  You can have a piece of sandwich with some crackers and a side of fruit all in one container.  Plus they are fun to look at in the variety of colors.  Lunch Bots can be found at and Whole Foods.

I love when I find a product that has a story.  Especially when it is determined entrepreneurs that are moms who won’t give up on using sustainable items for their children.  Three Little Birds Design Company is a shop I found via Etsy (here is their link)

All of Three Little Birds products are produced using GOTS Certified Organic Cotton, grown and manufactured in the United States.  All products are U.S. produced and hand dyed with low impact dyes. Products included totes, linens, lunch and snack bags.  Sometimes you don’t need an entire container and you just want to throw in some carrots sticks or a single sandwich.  These little bags are perfect for them.  Plus they are reusable and washable! 

If you order three little Birds will give you a 10% discount for back to school.  I took advantage of the offer and ordered for each of the kids 2 napkins, a sandwich bag and snack bag.  One is yellow for Charlie to match his Batman theme and one is mint green for Amanda’s polka dot theme.

4.  Utensils:  not al lunches are finger foods.  And after learning my lesson last year and starting off with a 12 person flatware set and ending with 6 by the end of the school year I’m done with sending my kids (and Hubby!) with the “good stuff”.  Of course I have the option of disposable plastic utensils.  But have you ever cut your food or bitten into your fork and all of a sudden you have a piece of sharp plastic in your mouth?  Well I have.  Not fun!  At best your kids will just spit it out but of course I’m crazy and worry about the worst-case scenario.  Because that is what would happen with my kids.

Well let me paint you a picture of what could happen. Your kid can choke and swallow on a sharp piece of plastic OR can cut himself / herself or a classmate for that matter.  Have I scared you enough?

Now with all the stainless steel I’m promoting I’m not too keen on using stainless steel utensils because it scratches the interior of your container.  Instead a good alternative is bamboo utensils.  I absolutely ADORE RePeat.  RePeat come as a set that includes a fork, spoon, knife and even CHOPSTICKS!  How cool is that?  The set comes in a colored carrier of your choice.  RePeat is heat and stain resistant, won’t absorb flavors, lightweight, long lasting and vegan.  Order your set of RePeat at Just make sure that after typing RePeat you include utensils in your search.

I hope I saved you all some hectic last minute shopping as well as money in the long run.  And just remember not only the kids can have a fun lunch.  All of these items come in a varitety of sizes and us adults should have fun traveling with our lunch.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

It’s Never Too Late...

I was raised on the phrase, “It’s never too late.”  Well boy is that true.  I’ve always had a passion to help others out.  And now I can officially say that I am proud and excited to announce that I have enrolled at The Institute For Integrated Nutrition.  For the next year I will be learning first hand from nutrition experts such as David Wolfe, Deepak Chopra M.D., Andrew Weil M.D., and David Katz M.D., just to name a few.

I can not wait to start on this new adventure and for the day to come where my knowledge can help others.  I know that this will not only be a learning experience but a grown experience for me as well.

I feel so blessed and thankful to have parents to believe in me and always push for me to following my dreams.  I am also fortunate to have had Mia Santos and Yvette Luciano be put in my path the past couple of months.  The two of them have really changed my life in a way that will never be able to be put into words.  Thank you to you all and I promise to make you proud!  XO

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How To Make Eating Organic Affordable

If you have read some of my posts I would consider myself to always have had a healthy diet with your occasional splurges here and there. When it came to my kids though I have been more strict and preventing them to go on the SAD diet (Standard American Diet). Of course I don't deprive them of treats after all, they are children. But 90% of the time the kids snacks consist of fruits and veggies. Often parents ask me how come the kids will ask for an apple or red pepper with humus. Well, it's simple! It's a norm at our home. And the best part is that the kids truly enjoy fresh fruits and veggies.

The second question or shall I say statement that gets brought to my attention is the cost. Yes, it is for sure more expensive to eat organic. There are many ways to go about cutting the cost of organic produce.

1. You can grow your own (yes, I know not everyone has time. I'm fortunate that my wonderful husband always makes time to keep up with our garden.)
2. Join a CSA program
3. Visit your local farms
4. Shop at wholesale clubs such as Sam's, Costco, BJ's, etc. You'd be surprised how many organic products the are carrying
5. Buy produce that is on sale and freeze it.

You'll see how the pennies start adding up. And if all else fails think of the countless co-payments you will save on doctors and medication. ie: winter 2011 was when Charlie's asthma came with a vengeance. That winter alone my husband and I spent close to 1500 between hospital bills, Drs. visits and medication. Plus the torture Charlie went through.

So for us it only makes sense. And for the skeptics that don't believe food came help you heal your body well then how come food can destroy your body?

And yes, I know switching over will not be an overnight change. Start with your one staple item in your family's diet. Once you have added that each week add another. Before you know it you'll be a full blown organic eating family!

Friday, July 27, 2012

At Your Age We Need To Discuss...

I’m very diligent when it comes to my check ups.  Truth be told I get anxious and don’t love the days leading up to my appointments but as a mom of 2 I wouldn’t do otherwise.

A couple of months ago I had my gyn appointment.  As much as I REALLY dread this appointment for more than one reason I LOVE my doctors.  The practice is small and consists of a Father-Daughter board certified OB/GYN’s and the nurse is the mom!  How cute is that?  They have both delivered my kids and I trust them 100%.

In this particular appointment we were discussing typical “girl issues”.  When she was going over my chart I guess my doctor noticed my date of birth and said, “At your age we need to discuss osteoporosis prevention.”  I was like whoa!  When did I turn 80?  But I guess at the ripe age of 28 that makes sense for prevention.

It’s funny because my mom is such a health nut and when I came home to tell her what I thought was a funny story she backlashed and said, “How many times have I told you to take your vitamins!”  I guess we go back to the saying, “Mom’s always right!”

As healthy as I TRY to be there is something about taking vitamins, supplements and even medication that has always been challenging for me.  (I’m one of those that never finishes anti-biotics.)  Well I decided then that June 1st would be the start of a new Jackie.  Since then I am happy to report there have only been about a handful of times that I’ve skipped my supplements.  I’m currently taking 20 billion CFU’s of probiotics (working on probiotic post.  All I can say is LIFE changing!), 1,000 I.U of vitamin D3 and 1,000 I.u of Calcium.  I know there are a lot more supplements that I should be taking but I just wanted to get into the swing of popping these capsules of goodness.

Of course I would highly recommend speaking with your doctor or nutritionist but keep in mind there are a few M.D.’s that are not pro vitamins or supplements so as usual I would say to do your own research and figure out what best suits your lifestyle.  I am fortunate that even though one doctor is an M.D. and one is a D.O. both have open minds.

Hopefully this post motivates you to take your supplements as well as listen to your mother.  :)

Peace & Health

*Please do your research when taking supplements.  If you decide to take vitamin D there are a few options.  Check the back to see if they are vegan.  Typically Vitamin D3 is not vegan but you can find vegan alternatives.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer Time Protection

A while back I was chatting with some local online moms on what we all needed to prepare for the spring and summer. Of course with the kids being out of school and the beautiful spring and summer days the topic of sunblock and how to steer clear of mosquito bites was a huge topic of conversation.  Last year though I did protect my kiddies from the sun and mosquitos I was not on a huge “natural” bandwagon.  To me it was all about the SPF 90-100.  Yes, I know it is silly and after 30-45 it’s not much protection but it made me feel better that I was protecting my kids as much as I could.  Right?  Wrong!

On that same evening many of the moms told me about www.EWG.ORG.  you probably already heard of it but if you haven’t I urge you to take a moment and go on their site.  They have a plethora of information and most likely the largest data base that will give you all the information you need.  

Environmental Working Group

Between EWG and the moms I came across Purple Prairie Botanicals (an organic, cruelty-free & made in the USA skin care.)  I checked their website and fell immediately in love!  It is such an inviting and non-intimidating website.  You can easily find whatever item you are looking for.  The range of items they carry start from as basic as hand sanitizers to luxurious essential oils.  Plus the best part is when you click on an item of interest it gives you a full description along with ingredients AND EWG’s score!!!  You no longer have to cross reference between the website and EWG.  It doesn’t get easier than that!!! And of course though it is a given in my home Purple Prairie does not contain petroleum, parabens, synthetic dyes, artificial preservatives, animal ingredients, detergents, sulfates or GMOs.

        $7.99 EWG Score 0                                                                                  $19.99 EWG Score 1

My family and I have been using the Sun Stuff for a couple of months already I can honestly say I am hooked and need to look no further.  It is scent free, not greasy nor sticky and though it is white during application, the cast does disappear.  It holds up well with humidity and water.  Which means I no longer have to purchase a separate sun screen if the kids are running through the sprinklers.  The true test was when we were in sunny California.  During our vacation we went to Disneyland,  did some hiking and LOTS of walking in San Francisco.  All I can say is that Purple Prairie Botanicals passed with flying colors in my book.

As for the Bug Spray I had not had the chance to put it to work until the past 2 weeks.  California is lucky enough to have warm dry weather and typically pesky mosquitos love a warm moist environment.  The past week it has not only been hot in New York but the humidity has been quite high.  Usually by this time mosquitos have had a field day all over me.  Not this year!  I am proud to say I have 1 mosquito bite on my knee.  Plus the kids are also bite free!

What I really love about the Bug Spray is that it is “Deet Free” and smells of Eucalyptus, lemongrass, tea tree, lavender and peppermint (all natural bug repellents.)  And though my primary concern is for mosquitos it also is a repellent against biting flies and gnats.  Plus it doubles up as an anti itch against bites, poison ivy, chicken pox and all itches.

I can safely say for the summer of 2012 my family and I are not only protected against the sun but as well as bugs.  Having fun outdoor will no longer be limited.