Monday, April 9, 2012

Chi Chi Chi Chia!!!

Chia is Mayan for “strength”.  Now who doesn’t want a little strength?  A few years back many of you might remember the infamous Chia pet commercials.  You would water the “pets” and green sprouts would emerge.  Well those same Chia pets were made of the same chia seeds that are now being proven to be beneficial to our daily lives.  Chia seeds have been around for hundreds of years and are native to central and southern mexico and guatemala.  

Chia seeds are one of nature’s highest plant based sources of complete protein. THey hold more omega 3 than salmon and high in antioxidants.  They also have more calcium than milk, more potassium than a banana, more antioxidants than blueberries and more iron than spinach.  Chia has also started to be incorporated into the feed of chickens and cattle making the eggs and meat more nutritious.

Aside from being one of the foods with the highest nutritional value they can also be used in place of butter or oil when baking .  For example, if a recipe call for 1/2 cup of oil you would use 1/4 cup of oil and a 1/4 cup of chia seeds.  The reason why you can substitute is because chia seeds when exposed to liquid or moisture grow in size and become heavier.  They have an ability to retain moisture and therefore, require less fat when baking.  

also, because chia seeds absorb liquid it prolongs hydration and keeps you fuller longer.  When chia seeds are exposed to liquid they become gelatinous.  What is gelatinous?  Gelatinous means that it becomes a jelly-like consistency.  By becoming gelatinous it helps eliminate old accumulated waste in the intestines as well as keeping you regulated.

Dr. weil has even suggested adding chia seeds to commercially prepared infant formula and baby food.  I personally add 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds in my green juice daily.  I have also added to my homemade granola bars.  There are endless opportunities in which you can add chia seeds if you eat dairy you can sprinkle over yogurt or make a delicious Chia Fresca *See below for recipe.

Now that chia has started to get more exposure it is more easily found.  You can purchase online or local health food store.  Try by adding a sprinkle over your food and slowly increase your daily intake.

Peace & Health

Chia Fresca (Chia limeade)

4 Tablespoons of Chia seeds
1 Cup of Filtered water
1/2 lime
1 Teaspoon of Stevia

Let chia seeds soak with cup of filtered water for 15 minutes.  After 15 minutes add lime and stevia.

You can add all types of fruits for a change.  Crushes raspberries, blueberries, pomegranate, etc.

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