Monday, October 1, 2012

Vegetarian Potato Leek Soup

It's funny how I will have a plan in my mind of what to make for dinner and then something catches my eye and everything changes. I woke up this morning to a beautifully cool, crisp fall morning. Fall = pumpkins to me.

I was all set with my shopping list. I walk into Trader Joe's when I spot a large bag of organic russet potatoes. How could I pass on them?!? Right away I thought potato-leek soup! I love the fall! There is nothing than a hot bowl of soup to warm you right up.

And what's great is Mondays mom and I typically cook together and try to get a few meals out for the week. So here is our version of Potato-Leek Soup.

2 liters of vegetable stock
2 chopped leeks
1 large chopped onion
5 cubed medium russet potatoes
3 garlic cloves minced
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 Rapunzel vegetable bouillon (herb & sea salt)
1 cup of finely chopped chives
pepper to taste

In a large pot add oil, leeks and onions. Once lightly caramelized add garlic and Rapunzel followed by potatoes and vegetable stock. Cook on medium heat for about 30 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Depending on your liking added filtered water if it is too thick.

Once cooked plate and top with some fresh cracked pepper and chives.

What's great about our version is not only is it vegan but you are cutting a considerable amount of calories by not adding heavy cream in compared to a more traditional version.

Hope you enjoy it!

Peace & Health

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