Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How To Make Eating Organic Affordable

If you have read some of my posts I would consider myself to always have had a healthy diet with your occasional splurges here and there. When it came to my kids though I have been more strict and preventing them to go on the SAD diet (Standard American Diet). Of course I don't deprive them of treats after all, they are children. But 90% of the time the kids snacks consist of fruits and veggies. Often parents ask me how come the kids will ask for an apple or red pepper with humus. Well, it's simple! It's a norm at our home. And the best part is that the kids truly enjoy fresh fruits and veggies.

The second question or shall I say statement that gets brought to my attention is the cost. Yes, it is for sure more expensive to eat organic. There are many ways to go about cutting the cost of organic produce.

1. You can grow your own (yes, I know not everyone has time. I'm fortunate that my wonderful husband always makes time to keep up with our garden.)
2. Join a CSA program
3. Visit your local farms
4. Shop at wholesale clubs such as Sam's, Costco, BJ's, etc. You'd be surprised how many organic products the are carrying
5. Buy produce that is on sale and freeze it.

You'll see how the pennies start adding up. And if all else fails think of the countless co-payments you will save on doctors and medication. ie: winter 2011 was when Charlie's asthma came with a vengeance. That winter alone my husband and I spent close to 1500 between hospital bills, Drs. visits and medication. Plus the torture Charlie went through.

So for us it only makes sense. And for the skeptics that don't believe food came help you heal your body well then how come food can destroy your body?

And yes, I know switching over will not be an overnight change. Start with your one staple item in your family's diet. Once you have added that each week add another. Before you know it you'll be a full blown organic eating family!

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