Thursday, September 20, 2012

Back to School Immune Support

We are still adjusting to our new schedule but the beautiful autumn weather has started to peak through.  Leaves are falling, the air is crisp and humid days are a thing of the past.  With the kids being back to school and the cooler days nearing us it is just a matter of time when the colds come along as well.  Last year was not a good one for us.  Mainly Amanda who had started kindergarden.  In the 5 years of her life she had never had an ear infection.  Somehow she wound up with 2 along with a couple of colds.

As usual I did a bit of research over the summer to see what it is I can do to minimize the risks and hopefully avoid them all together.  As far as nutrition well I try to be as healthy as possible with myself but when it comes to my kids I am even more health conscious.  And thankfully since we have been a junk free family Amanda (now 6) makes her own choices that I am extremely proud of.  For example I know for a fact (from hearing the reports of other moms at school or parties) Amanda will have a couple of bites of birthday cake but then will go off and feast on a bowl of fruit. (Insert huge grin on my face!)  So the next step naturally was to look into supplements.  

Our doctor had prescribed to both kids a vitamin cocktail that contained Fluoride.  It has been over 6 months that I stopped giving it to them.  Yes, I know that Fluoride can be found in some water but I have decided to not actively have my kids ingest it.  Aside from my research at home I went into Whole Foods to go on my quest for the right vitamins.  I know I’m always saying how much I love it in there but I REALLY love the employees even more.  They are so knowledgeable and willing to help out.  I knew I wanted a multivitamin and Cod Liver Oil.  I wanted Nordic Natural’s Children’s DHA (I’ll explain later) but the multi is where I was unsure.  There were just so many!

After a 20 minute lesson on different multivitamins we agreed upon Child Life Essentials Multi Vitamin & Mineral.  Child Life Essentials was developed and formulated by homeopathic pediatric specialist Dr. Murray Clarke.  Child Life is made from the highest quality ingredients.  There are no artificial flavorings, sweeteners or coloring.  Their Multi Vitamin & Mineral formula contains all the essentials for developing children. 

The second I was very excited and nervous to introduce (Fish oil).  I like to consider myself a non-picky eater.  I was raised to try it all and give everything a chance.  I have (in my opinion) successfully instilled the same thought process on my kids but we have a challenge when it comes to fish.  I’m not a fan.  Again, I will eat it but I don’t enjoy it and when you don’t enjoy something you tend to not cook it either.  Plus though we are omnivores our meat, poultry and seafood is very minimal so the source of our iron, protein and omega 3 hardly comes from those sources.  

You might have heard of all the health benefits of incorporating omega 3 in your diet but just as a refresher here are some key points for you to consider.  Omega 3 is the trio of EPA, DHA & ALA found in marine life such as fish and sea vegetables.  Omega 3 supports all organs, immune system, endocrine system, bones and cardiovascular system.  It is also a source for a healthy nervous system and essential for brain development.  Plus it has been proven to reduce the risk of disease.  

There are factors you have to consider when choosing the right Omega 3 for your children and yourself.  You must make sure that the company is GMP (Good Manufactured Practice) certified and Third Party Certified (quality control was checked by a group that is not affiliated with brand.) It is also imperative that you know whether or not and how much mercury is in the Omega 3 you are ingesting.  Nordic Naturals was my obvious choice.  

Nordic Naturals is the winner of many awards based on taste, purity and quality.  There are several versions depending on age.  We went with Children’s DHA.  

I thought I was set with all the supplements I needed to promote a healthy and strong immune system when I was told to consider an extra boost of Vitamin C.  Of course!  How could I forget a basic known vitamin?  

I hadn’t really looked into what brand Vitamin C to buy so I went with the suggestion of the Whole Foods employee.  She suggested Rainbow Light Nutritional Systems Gummy Vitamin C Slices.  The gummy slices are 100% natural, gluten-free and lactose-free.  They have no artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives or additives.

I can buy all the supplements in the world but the true test takers would be Amanda and Charlie.  The two are used to taking vitamins except during our 6 month hiatus.  I explained to Amanda that I wanted to make her as healthy as possible and that I didn’t want her to get those icky ear infections she dealt with last year.  I started with the fish oil followed by the multi and then gummy slices.  I was nervous mostly with the fish oil.  Both kids were troopers and took their vitamins.  Amanda said the fish oil is her least favorite and the gummy slices her most favorite (they are lightly coated with organic cane sugar but I don’t mind especially since both kids are not resistant to fish oil.)

Both kids have been taking this combination for 2 months and I just went back to Whole Foods yesterday to stock up.  I should mention that the gummy slices are recommended for children 4 and over because they are chewy.  Charlie will be 3 in December but I cut them in half and have him sit in front of me until he is done chewing.  I am looking forward for the kids to be warding off all icky colds and viruses this year.  And though this post is specifically talking about kids I hope this also reminds you to take some supplements.  No one wants to deal with colds and viruses and if you are a parent you most certainly don’t have time to get sick.

Peace & Health

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