Thursday, September 20, 2012

Broccoli Sprouts

I am huge fan of pea sprouts.  I have them everyday in my green juice but I am very excited to share that while studying I have found two other types of AMAZING sprouts.  Yesterday, I was at Whole Foods and finally got a chance to look for these magical little greens.

I had eaten them in the past in wraps and salads but I had never gone out of my way to buy them.  What I learned was that broccoli sprouts are 50 times more powerful in fighting cancer than the standard broccoli we find just about anywhere.  In 2011, The University of Illinois found that when combining broccoli and broccoli sprouts you nearly double the anti-cancer effects.  The  inside lid of the container states the following, “While studying broccoli and broccoli sprouts at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, scientists identified a natural compound, sulforaphane GS( SGS), which supports long-lasting antioxidant and essential cellular function.  A fat-free food, broccoli sprouts are a good source of Vitamin C.  Diets low in fat and rich in vegetables (like broccoli sprouts) and fruit may reduce the risk of some types of cancer, a disease of many factors.”

I know the holistic and more natural approach is still very new and often with newness there is doubt (rightfully so.  After all it is our lives) But to have one of the countries top medical universities such as John Hopkins conduct a study and make such a statement to me is groundbreaking.  Plus for me it is absolutely delicious!  And very easy to incorporate.  I just added it to my daily green juice but it is just as delicious in a sandwich or wrap.  Just keep in mind to keep it alive!  No cooking these little green guys.  You want them a alive as possible to gain the most benefits.

As mentioned I found mine at Whole Foods.  If you have a green thumb you can easily grow them out of a mason jar or purchase a kit to grow your own.  It only takes about 6 days for them to be ready.  I lack the green thumb and I am very fortunate to have a husband that truly enjoys gardening in the summer (that is how we have such an extensive variety of produce).  So for the mean time I’ll be purchasing until I get the courage to sprout my own.  Find your local BroccoSprouts retailer at

With everything that I write about I just want to emphasize to look into further research and make sure you are comfortable with what you are eating and doing.  My goal is to perk your ears and share as much valuable information that comes along my way.  Always remember to be your own active advocate in your life.

Peace & Health

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your article and picture. I was just diagnosed with breast cancer this week and have been reading about Johns Hopkins research about how amazing these sprouts are for preventing breast cancer as well as slowing the spread of breast cancer and actually shrinking breast cancer tumors. Now I'm off to find some for myself. Your post has been the best news I've had recently!
