Friday, September 28, 2012

Juicing, Painting & Motherhood

Hi everyone!  Hope everyone is having a fab week!  I just wanted to fill you all in on what is going on my neck of the woods this past week.  Hubs is on vacation and our home is in full facelift mode.  As exciting as the end result will be it has been chaotic.  Between the mess and kids not being able to access all their favorite toys I am ready for next week to be here already when this will all be a distant memory.

On top of that on Monday was my birthday.  I decided I wanted to do another juice fast and though the last one I did was 7 days back in April I found a 2 day juice detox from a peer at Integrative Institute For Nutrition.  It’s not bad at all but I think I should have planned this on a week I had less going on.  I wound up caving in around dinner time and had a hearty portion of my homemade lentil soup and half an avocado.

I haven’t been hungry or tired and I think that my biggest challenge is that I love dinner time.  I love it not only because of the food but of what it entails.  It’s the only time of the day the entire family sits down.  We take our time (for the most part), enjoy our meal and talk about what happened during the day.  Sure I could have sat there with my mason jar of juice but I didn’t.  And I don’t feel guilty either.  I figure I eat really well all the time and this is just a little tune up to my system.

Friday will be my second and last day.  I’ll let you know how it goes On my next post and I will share recipe.  I won’t be posting till next week.  This weekend I am very excited to be a part of IIN’s Conference on Saturday and Sunday.  I’m sure after two days of information from nutrition experts I will have endless posts to share with you all.

Peace & Health

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