Saturday, March 31, 2012

Afraid of The Unknown

As I’m sitting here reading I can’t help but wonder what my next 7 days will be like. Back in February I had signed up in a private closed group on Facebook that was going to follow Kris Carr’s 21 day cleanse. Unfortunately life got in the way and I think deep down inside I wasn’t ready. Like this and all changes that are unknown in life most won’t do it until the person is ready. Also, the idea of 21 days! Woah! That’s a long time. (Again excuses!)

This time I’ve kept it quite and only mentioned it here and there to a couple people in my life. I have not been eating meat and dairy for about 3 weeks. I did give up meat all together. Meat meaning if it walks, flies or swims. As far as dairy the only challenge I’ve had is my occasional cheese stick I sadly admit enjoy very much. I don’t want to label myself as a vegetarian or vegan. I hate labels! All I can say is that at this present moment I am not consuming any of those products. Who knows perhaps in the future I may or this might be the start of a life style change.

Anyway, I decided that I won’t be doing a 21 day cleanse. I don’t think that I am ready yet. Most people that have gone through cleanses or fasts say the first 3 days are the hardest and after that it gets easier and easier. I’ve decided to do a 7 day juice fast. I’ve done a lot of reading and researching to ensure that I have the correct amount of nutrients in my body (after all the goal is to be healthier and free of toxins.) While I am a little nervous I am excited and ready to get started.

I’ll definitely be posting a lot this week (hopefully every evening)about my daily experiences and changes. I’m hoping that if I have enough time I can even post a video or two. Wish me luck!

Peace & Health

People you can look up if you are interested in cleansing or fasting....
Mike Adams aka Health Ranger
Kris Carr
Joe Cross
Jason Vale
Daniel Vitalis
David Wolfe

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