Friday, March 9, 2012

Home Made Organic Baby Food

Thank you for your emails concerning home made organic baby food. I will be posting some recipes and ideas within the next few days.

In the meantime just as a quick back story when Amanda was born I was a relatively young and nervous mommy. I wanted to do the very best (as all mommies do). But the very best in my home was for me to make my own organic baby food. When I was about 7 months pregnant hubby and I went to Barnes and Noble and spent most of the afternoon going through books. It was filled with a bit of anxiety because these books would essentially be the foundation of my daughters nutrition and health. We both finally decided on the Super Baby Foods by Ruth Yaron. All I can say is the book while it may look a little intimidating has an endless array of recipes and nutrition information.

I hadn’t been on the site for a while but now you can download e-books: “Quick Start Guide to Feeding Your Super Baby: Starting Your Baby On Solid Foods”, “Traveling and Restaurants with your Super Baby”, and “Going Green for your Super Baby”.

Ruth basically breaks down what fruits, vegetable, grains and proteins your baby can have and when. By the time my son came around a few years later I would crack open the book just for a refresher. I can honestly say that almost everywhere I go whether it be a restaurant or to dinner at someone’s home I am always complimented on how great eaters my kids are. I whole heartedly feel that by exposing them to the real flavors of what food tastes like (not processed and with preservatives) makes them love to try different foods.

Now you may ask what about the baby foods that are out and organic. Well I have a bit of a story when it comes to those. My daughter NEVER had any jarred foods. Last year my family and I traveled outside of the country. The nervous mommy took over me and I was concerned with my 1.5 year old. I caved in and decided to buy 3 cases of the best organic baby food I could buy. We went on vacation and guess what my little guy refused to eat any of it! Why you might ask well I tried it myself and it as bland and flavorless. I couldn’t blame him. It was a waste of me buy, carrying the food and paying overages because I exceeded the weight on my suitcase.

I know that now small companies have opened up that you can pick up or will send you fresh organic baby food. All I can say it that is it so inexpensive to make it on your own and it’s not as time consuming as you would think. When my daughter was of baby food age I was working 40+ hours a week. I would just take a Sunday morning plan ahead and freeze in little containers her meals of the week. I mean now moms have the opportunity with items such as the Beba. I had a pot, oven and blender. This little device is all 3 in 1. Plus the satisfaction that I created my children’s food is well worth the time and effort.

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