Monday, March 26, 2012

Birke Baehr Says It All

My latest find along with my typical late night reading and video watching is TEDX. TEDX is a conference that is held in Asheville, California. During this conference many well known people have spoken. Their main goal is the spreading of “ideas worth spreading.” Aside from TEDX there is TEDX Next Generation of Asheville which focuses mainly on teens speaking on topics such as the arts and sciences. While browsing through their site and clicking away on their different videos Birke Baehr just captivated me. His energy and knowledgeable information for a then 11 year old was not only astonishing but worthy of sitting down and learning a thing or two.

I think everyone should watch and especially children. Birke not only teaches us about farming and the health benefits to including local organic foods but he also teaches us that with enough passion and dedication you really can make a difference.

Check out the links below

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