Thursday, March 29, 2012

Candle Cafe

Tuesdays are my usual run away with my bff (Mommy!... yep after 28 years she’s still my Mommy). We often run away into the city because truth be told as much as I love Long Island and would not move unless I had to it doesn’t have the variety of resources that NYC does. Well this week was such a treat! We finally got a chance to have lunch at Candle Cafe on the upper east side. Since it is on 3rd avenue in spite of the cold that has decided to come back to NY we walked and talked quite a bit. All of 3rd Avenue is full of really fantastic health shops, a few vegetarian / vegan restaurants and of course some head turning boutiques.

When we walked it we were pretty shocked at how packed it was. We were even concerned that we might not be seated right away. Well thankfully within 5 minutes we had a table. The menu was intense! There was so much to chose from that I didn’t know where to start. We knew we definitely wanted a fresh pressed juice from their well known juice bar but which one? I personally almost went for my typical green... hey you can’t have enough chlorophyl can you? Mom decided to get a carrot, apple, ginger juice. Going base off of experience I just ordered the same. (I tend to order things and then switch plates or wish I would have ordered.) We both wound up with the butternut squash soup, mom ordered black rice with grilled vegetable and I got a sprout salad with carrot ginger dressing.

The food is prepared on the spot and super fresh. The carrot, apple, ginger juice was perfection! Just the right amount and very tasty. The butternut squash soup was the perfect combination of sweetness from the squash with a little peppery kick at the end. My favorite though was the sprout salad. The textures and crunch from the sprouts, raisins and carrots shreds plus the carrot ginger dressing... goodness my mouth is literally watering right now! I tried my mother’s black rice. Truthfully I had heard of black rice but only up until recently but I had not had the opportunity to try. The black rice had grilled eggplant and red bell peppers with some leafy greens which was also very delicious.

Of course we could not end our heavenly meal without having a little dessert. We opted for a cup of our favorite... chamomile tea and a slice of fruit crumble pie. The pie had homemade written all over. And we would know as my mom’s passion is baking and I usually assist her. Anyway, I wish I would have taken a picture but we or should I say I was so excited to dig in! The crust was crunchy and the filling since it was fresh fruit was sweet but equally tart. The best part was the soy icing that was drizzled on top. The icing was such a treat since I don’t eat soy. I’m not allergic but I choose not to but I do cheat once in a while. Our lunch was the perfect balance of taste and texture. We were full but not stuffed and full of energy!

Now some interesting tidbits. Candle Cafe first started in 1984 as a juice bar / health food store. It slowly evolved and within 10 years due to high demand and positive feedback it became what is now a well known NYC staple among the vegetarian and vegan diners. It was been rated as one the the Best Vegan / Vegetarian Restaurants as well as it’s first NYC restaurants to receive “First Certified Green Restaurant” from the Green Restaurant Association. It takes pride in using the most local produce.. farm to table. It also has published Candle Cafe Cookbook (which will be my next purchase).

Candle Cafe has also branched out and now has 5 blocks down Candle 79. It has been rated as a more upscale restaurant for the veggie lovers. I’ll have to go next but that’s another post. If you are not in NY you can go to your local Whole Foods and find Candle Cafe meals in the freezer section.

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