Monday, April 2, 2012

Back to Basics

With all the different juices to chose from sometimes it just comes down to what you have in stock at home and the time you have at that moment. I was getting a little tired today from having had lunch duty at my daughter’s school, food shopping in the morning and caring for a 2 year old. I wanted to get a quick jolt of energy before my daughter got off the school bus. I grabbed my bag of carrots, apples & ginger and decided to go with it. My mom and sister were around so I made some for them as well. The family that juices together stays together... hahaha! Just as I was done juicing I gave my brother in law a try and he loved it. By then the little princess was home and guess who wanted some? So after all this juicing who was the person that had no juice? Me of course. It wasn’t a big deal because I just went ahead and made some for myself. I was teasing them that they were taking away my juice and to remember that I was the one fasting. I’m glad I am able to make juice for my family and have them genuinely enjoy them.

So what started as a 3 glass plan became 5. How awesome is that!

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