Saturday, April 7, 2012

Homemade Easter Bread

I was out food shopping yesterday afternoon. I went to one of my favorite Italian markets Seven Brothers in East Northport, NY. Having a little time on my hands I noticed a lot of goodies that they carry gluten free pasta, organic produce and even vegan artichoke raviolis! I was there to buy some ravioli for that evening’s dinner as well as some good meats for my hard working husband. The funny part was when I asked them for some ribs and to make a few pieces of brasciole I got the anti-Christ look. If you are not Catholic you might not know that for lent omnivores are not allowed to eat meat. ESPECIALLY on the friday before Easter (Good Friday)... it’s a HUGE no no. Anyway, the butcher and I sparked a conversation and I told him I was cooking for my husband for Sunday since he won’t be home. Truthfully I wanted to explain myself because I felt guilty for even buy the meat. Anyway, that’s the good part about not eating meat it was one this I didn’t have to worry about this year.

Well back to the point of this post. They have a homemade bakery in the market and saw the array of different Easter breads. I was tempted to buy one when something in me just came over me and I wanted to make it myself. Also, as a parent one of my biggest goals is to build tradition and memories for my children. I want them to be proud of me and for them to some day build the same memories and traditions. Now if you know me I’m not the best baker. I have only recently become patient. I think it stems from my mom. She is truly an AMAZING cook but OUTSTANDING baker. No boxes or shortcuts in her kitchen. In saying that I always felt like what’s the point? I have Mommy lol! Yes, I’ve been spoiled all these years.

I went home, made some homemade sauce, made my husband’s Easter dinner and dinner that evening. At about 9pm I ran out to get the ingredients I needed for the bread. Of course I like to make things more difficult for myself and as I stood there looking at the recipe and organic aisles wondered if I really had to go off the recipe and make some changes. I took the risk and made the changes I felt comfortable with. While I still have to thank Open My Ears, Lord for her post on blogspot for her post That is where I got most of the information and inspiration from. So here is my version....

Organic Easter Bread With A Twist

2 and 1/4 to 3 and 1/4 Cups of Bob’s Red Mill Organic Unbromated Unbleached White Flour
1/4 C Organic Raw Sugar
1 tsp salt
1 package dry yeast
2/3 cup Almond Milk
2 TBLS Earth Balance Organic Butter Spread
2 Organic Cage Free Eggs
1/2 C Organic Raisins Soaked In Rum (I used Zacapa Rum from a town in Guatemala that is known for their rum. I am not a fan of rum at all but it’s amazing that the entire time I was making this bread all I could think of was that my Grandfather would love this since it was his favorite.)

5 Colored Unshelled Eggs (Had to use non-organic because I couldn’t find white and brown eggs are not easily tinted.)
Combine 1 cup flour, sugar, salt and yeast in a large bowl. Combine milk and butter and place over low heat until liquid is warm. Gradually add to dry ingredients and beat 2 min. at medium speed of mixer, scraping the bowl occasionally. Add 2 eggs add 2 more cups of four. Knead on a floured surface until dough is smooth and elastic. Place in a warm, greased bowl and cover with a towel. Let rise in warm place until doubled in size, about 2 hours.
After the dough has doubled in size (about 2 hours), punch down the dough and turn out onto a floured surface. While you let the dough rest, covered, for about 10 minutes and add raisins.
Knead the raisins into the dough. Divide dough in halves (lengthwise, rolling each piece into a rope about 14 inches long. Twist ropes together loosely to form a braided ring on a baking pan. I used a little cooking spray on the pan to prevent from sticking.
Place the eggs in at the twists in the braids. Brush the bread with melted butter.
Cover the bread again with a light weight towel and let it rise (just like above) until it has doubled. About 1.5 hours. Remove from the oven.

Prior to baking

Set the oven to bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes. Check the bread at 25 minutes to make sure it has not browned too much. Remove from pan and cool on rack.

Post baking

The Easter bread represents the meaning of Easter and Christ.

Braid = Crown of thorns Christ wore
Eggs = New Life
Bread / Yeast = Rise of Christ

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