Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How Did It All Start?

Earlier this week I received this question for Dana W.  I decided going forward I will be answering all emails with questions via my blog.  They are all excellent questions and many of you might have the same questions.

Dana M.

Hello ; ) i was reading some of your blog and ive been super intrested in fasting/juice...how did u get started and what kind of juicer do i get!?

Truthfully I’ve been having green juice since I was a little girl.  My wonderful parents raised my sister and I in a way that we appreciate and eat all foods.  In saying that my mom was a stay at home mom that cooked a warm homemade meal 7 days a week.  By the time my sister and I came home from school she had our green juice served with a snack of pretzels and a cheese stick.  To this day my sister and I still crave or miss our pretzels and cheese sticks when we have our green juice.  When college came around life got a little hectic and we stopped drinking our green juice.  Not until the past year have I really gotten back into the swing of things.  I’ve also made some modifications to our green juice.  I don’t add dairy, all ingredients are organic (except cucumber... it’s a pain in the neck to find organic so I just peel off the skin and in it goes) and most importantly I along with my children drink it 1-2x a day.

As for the juicer, it depends on what your goal is.  I will be writing a post on the difference between juicing and blending soon. (I know I keep saying that but there truly is so much I want to say yet I’m a little limited and my writing tends to be in the crack of dawn or late at night.)  My green juice is more of a meal replacement for me since it is quite filling so I use my Vitamix (the Cadillac of blenders).  By blending you are keeping the fiber from the pulp of the fruit and veggies which has done wonders for my constant battle with bloating and constipation (sorry just keeping it real.)  In a short comparison if you go for the juicing route which is also excellent but different because you are getting rid of the pulp which in return will make a runnier more juice like consistency.  The benefit of juicing is that because there is hardly any work your body needs to do in order to digest and metabolize the nutrients get absorbed much quicker.  Since the juicer I really want is currently out of my reach (cold pressed) I am using a Moulinex juicer that happened to be in my parents garage. Which reminds me my dad was the one who started me on juicing (I think that is where the Moulinex came from.)  As a little girl I suffered from really bad nose bleeds and from what I remember he bought the juicer and would make me beet and carrot juice to increase my iron levels.  Don’t I have the best parents?!?!

There are other fantastic juicers aside from going all out on the Norwalk.  Breville is also known for their juicers and they have a variety of price points to fit your needs.

Though I am not a certified health coach (not yet) at this moment do not have my own personal fasting regiment.  I have an idea and the basics already but I would not feel comfortable “prescribing”  What I can recommend is for you to purchase or read up on wellness warriors such as Kris Carr, Joe Cross and Kimberly Snyder.  Start off with them.  Also if you have a Netflix account watch documentaries such as Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (follows the life of Joe Cross who was very ill and taking lots of meds.  It show that by fasting along with careful monitoring of a doctor he not only lost a tremendous amount of weight but also was able to get off all his medications.) Also, Forks Over Knives & Crazy, Sexy Cancer made a huge impact in my life.

Also, if you are not used to juicing I would take it slow.  The goal of juicing and fasting is to get or keep your body at its optimal health levels with the added bonus of shedding some pounds along the way.  Juicing and blending is time consuming and requires some planning out.  Why not start with just having a juice or smoothie once a day and gradually move up.  

I hope this answered your questions and I will be going into depth on some of the topics I touched upon.  I appreciate all questions and will answer as fast as I possibly can.

Peace & Health

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