Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fasting On The Go

Today was a more challenging day. And not because I had no will power or determination but because traveling while fasting is very difficult when you have no access to a juicer. I was able to get up early enough to make some juice for my commute. For lunch I had a vegetarian lentil soup and tons of water. Mom and I were spring shopping this afternoon when it hit me. That sluggish oh my goodness I need to eat something feeling. Luckily I have to admit I have not had that feeling the past 3 days. I’ve had a juice or smoothie at hand and cut the hunger before it became famine. I was sitting in the middle of the dressing room watching my mom try on different clothes when all I could think of was a juice. I remember mom asking me about the outfit she was trying and before I could let her finish I just said I need to drink something. I pulled myself together had some water and was able to calm myself down. So well that I was able to go into the children’s department and check out some spring clothes for the kiddies.

After that it was time to go home but I knew that I would not be able to wait until I got home to make some juice for myself. I caved in and had a small mesclun salad with chickpeas, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cucumber and ginger vinaigrette dressing. I still had a craving for juice and the area we were in there was no juice bar to be found. The best I could do was Jamba Juice (not my personal favorite because of the added sugar but you take what you can get.)

The funny part was as soon as I got home I took a shower and ran straight to my kitchen to make my own juice. It’s amazing when you are used to eating fresh organic homemade meals and juices nothing will truly satisfy your craving until you get what you want.


  1. Hope you are making the Italian Easter Bread. Enjoy it with your family.

    Easter blessings to you,

    1. Thank you janis. I did and mentioned you in the post. Thank you for the inspiration.
