Monday, April 16, 2012

Gluta What?

What is glutathione you might ask and why do I care?  Well Glutathione is an essential amino acid.  As stated by Dr. Mark Hyman, “Glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants.”  Glutathione helps fight infection, cancer, heart and many others.

Studies have found that Glutathione levels were high among young healthy patients versus sick and older patients.  Now you may ask why is this important aside from helping prevent disease.  Well living in a modern industrialized world that we do there are concerns with our glutathione levels.  Glutathione is naturally produced and because we live in a world of go, go, go, we are making it difficult to produce enough in order for our body to eliminate the toxins we are exposed to.  Glutathione levels are compromised when our body’s are exposed to poor diet, environmental toxins (cellphones, microwaves, radiation, air / water pollution, etc.), stress & medications.

So how does glutathione work?  When our bodies are exposed and ingest toxins the job of glutathione is to have the toxins grab hold of the glutathione and naturally expel.  When we are over exposed and our body does not produce sufficient glutathione is when disease starts to emerge.

Glutathione levels can be increased by having a glutathione producing diet as well as eliminating environmental factors that we can control.  As mentioned Glutathione is made by our body.  It is not in foods but there are foods that help promote your ability to produce glutathione.  Foods such as avocados, asparagus, broccoli (all cruciferous), garlic, spinach, sulphur foods, tomatoes, tumeric & watermelon.  For those meat eaters out there even FRESH, unprocessed meat that are range and hormone free have been linked to help the body increase glutathione.

There are supplements of glutathione you can also take but it is suggested to be taken in conjunction with a diet high in glutathione promoters and moderate exercise (over exercise will deplete)

All of this is not that hard to achieve.  It all goes back to conscious eating and making the right choices.  Remember that balanced hormones prevent disease.  When our bodies are not at homeostasis is when encounter challenges that may potentially be detrimental to our lives.

Finally, as suzanne somers stated when speaking about people facing disease, her suggestion was, “Eating like your life depends on it.”  Taking small steps to a healthier life style is not about giving up on foods.  It is about making a conscious decision towards a life with those you love.

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