Thursday, April 12, 2012

Juice Fast Summary

It has almost been a week since I completed my juice fast.  I feel like it not only was a way to detox my system for a whole week but it taught me a lot along the way.   I had a day that things were just not working for me and all i wanted to do was grab hold of some chocolate with a bag of potato chips... hello emotional eater!!!  thank goodness i kept true to my fast and did not cave in.  

overall i was happy.  there were moments that it was nearly impossible.  fasting is very difficult while being out and about.  although i did pack juice with me to take with me it was not nearly enough to sustain me throughout the day.  

also, there are a few different fasts out there.  there are many that you can eat and there are some that all you do is have juice.  I had done a lot of research prior to deciding what i would do and decided that i would do the best of both worlds.  I had juice all day and had a fasting approved meal for dinner.  I chose this because dinner time is sacred in my home and even though i could have sat down with a pitcher of juice i wanted to keep the week as normal as possible.

dinner would consist of beans or a large salad of mixed green or veggies.  the misconception of many is that you will be “starving” but in all reality you should not be hungry.  the first 3 days i did not go out and i was fine.  i actually felt quite energized.  some of you might already know from following me on twitter or facebook that I suffer from insomnia.  the funny part was that for that week between 9 and 10pm I was completely exhausted and had to go to bed.  

There were some ups and downs just like in everything you do in life.  the down was because i was detoxing i had a few cluster breakouts of acne that I am still trying to get rid of.  although quite annoying it is an indicator of many of the impurities that were trying to escape.  the up which many would appreciate is that aside from toxins exiting my body i lost 2 solid pounds.  may not sound like much but i am only 5 ft and my jeans are feel quite comfy :)

i will be doing another juice fast.  i have not decided if i will be doing 1 week every month or maybe a 14 day fast in a month from now.  may sound drastic but truthfully the more i make positive modifications to my life the easier it becomes.  i think that my biggest challenge at this moment would be to give up cheese.  it’s not like i’m sitting here eating wedges of cheese all day long but it is a food that i really enjoy as a snack.

also, maybe for some of you a week might be too long.  why not try 3 days or even 1 day?  you’ll really feel a difference.

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