Monday, April 2, 2012

Proud Mommy Moment

This morning I had lunch duty at my daughter’s school. I was at my post hanging out with Amanda and her little group of friends when a teacher came up to me and asked if I was her mommy. Truthfully I had an “Oh my what is she going to tell me.” moment. I have no idea why I would be concerned since she has never given me any issues and especially when it comes to school. As I went to answer yes she said, “I love Amanda she is such a sweet girl. But I love the snacks and lunch you give her. The kids in her class could learn a thing or two.” Of course I was beaming. Mrs. Hanel (the teacher’s assistant) proceeded by saying, “You’re a great mom! How did you do it?” I just said that I always made my own baby food and that what ever we have for dinner (which is always a home cooked meal) is what the kids eat. I am not running a restaurant that everyone can have a different meal nor do I believe that kids should just be given mac and cheese with hot dogs. Though it is okay as a treat or whenever there is a time constraint on the other hand it is by no means a norm in our home.

Also, might I add I had made a smoothie before I left home and made enough to bring for Amanda. Charlie and I had our’s at home. When I went to hand Amanda her smoothie Charlie and Amanda started bickering over the darn smoothie. I’m having a true mommy brag post now but I am truly blessed and proud to have 2 very loving and adventurous angels.

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